Follow and complete the realities of outer space that will change your outlook to a large extent

in #technical6 years ago

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10- Astronauts are not an example of health, but they must be very 


In space, human immunity is greatly reduced, so astronauts must be doubly cautious to avoid any infection or disease.

When you think of astronauts, you must think of idealistic or semi-idealistic people physically, physically and mentally. But even though they are chosen at the beginning, it is not the same. Maintaining health in space is very important but very difficult. There are many, and most important, that human immunodeficiency is greatly weakened there, and that drugs and vaccines lose a large part of their impact as well.

To make matters worse, bacteria spread faster and cause greater damage to space. These three factors make simple, sterile health scourges on the ground at high risk, and astronauts are forced to follow their utmost caution. Space alone is at stake; it puts the fate of the entire journey "on the brink of impasse"

11- If you travel at the speed of light, you will not see lines around you

At the speed of light, you will not be able to see any of the white and colorful ribbons shown in science fiction movies. The landscape will look much more boring than imagination.

One of the iconic scenes in films is the transition of the vehicle to the speed of light to get to places quickly is the largest in the universe, and although it actually seems a fantasy and possible no matter how advanced technology, if it happens in theory scenarios in the films will never be realistic and shapes The usual pattern of random lines of light around the vehicle or even bright colors will not occur.

According to NASA's presentation on how to command the speed of light, it seems that the light coming from the sides will fade as the speed of the vehicle increases and approaching the speed of light, and with the arrival at high speeds approaching the speed of light will be possible to see anything but bright light from the point The goal only, and the lines and strange forms that appear in the films, unfortunately will never appear and instead there will be total darkness

12- The lives of astronauts are largely organized to set mandatory amusement times

A while ago there were several videos of astronauts aboard the International Space Station having fun and having fun with Fidget Spinners in their hands.

Most people know that traveling to space is not a journey of entertainment. The missions of astronauts are so numerous and so dense that almost all their time is busy with something they do, but despite the current organization of astronaut times, it is still simpler than the first manned flight Where the day was divided into 16 hours of work, sports and food, and 8 hours of sleep and rest.

Of course, working for this long period is not easy or likely. Luckily, this changed in 1973, when Skylab 4 crew went on strike because of the heavy and intensive work. Then, mandatory entertainment periods were added where astronauts could carry out their favorite activities In space) such as communicating with their families and friends or even watching movies and serials.

13- Astronauts practice a lot of sport, because they will be overwhelmed by it

Without sport you will lose your blood pressure and lose consciousness, so astronauts should exercise for a long time compared to the duration of professional athletes on the ground.

In space, the heart is reduced and thus loses part of its ability to pump blood and becomes much weaker. This leads to frequent fainting similar to that in cases of hypotension (sudden hypotension in standing).

This is so frequent that it is necessary for astronauts to exercise for about two and a half hours with special equipment, to keep the heart strong enough to pump blood to parts of the body and prevent a fainting may result in catastrophic space

14- Even in space, drowning is one possible hazard

It may seem like a joke, but the danger of water in space is just as real as the risk of fire in ships

Although it has not happened yet, but the probability exists and in one case it was very close.

The accident occurred with the Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano, who suffered a slight leakage of cooling water inside the helmet of the suit, which made the water collect on the windscreen of the helmet and prevented him from seeing completely, as he found himself forced to touch the way back to the pressure chamber in his vehicle.

Of course, this situation did not include the astronaut's suffocation with water, but this danger is very real; and with cooling water leaking into the helmet it can cause the astronaut to sink without having any defensive method to prevent it, as he can not take off his shirt and reach the place of leakage or place The water is collected in the helmet.

15- There is no dark side of the moon

Apart from the famous Pink Floyd band album, there is no dark side of the moon and as the earth gets sunlight on all sides.

If you're a fan of Pink Floyd, I'm sorry to tell you that their album The Dark Side of the Moon does not have a proper name and the whole thing is just a big misunderstanding.

As the moon revolves around the Earth, it revolves around itself so that the opposite face of the Earth always stays the same, that is, we see only one aspect of the moon all the time. But that does not mean that the other side is dark. The moon is actually exposed to all aspects of sunlight. Do the earth, and the myth of a universe that is a permanent part of darkness does not bear any basis for its validity.

So if you plan to go to the moon and stay on the bright side, you may have to think beforehand that you will need to move permanently to stay there

16- The current spacecraft (and probably the future as well) is not wide; it is narrowly suffocating

The spacecraft in the movies look like palatial palaces, but in fact they are very congested and very narrow spaces

No matter what series or science fiction film you're watching, it probably portrays spacecraft as large and spacious means of transport with empty spaces and even places that allow the addition of decors for example, but the reality is quite the opposite. If you happen to visit a spacecraft or even the international station you will see the opposite of what appears In Star Wars or 2001 a Space Odyssey, the spaces are not only narrow, but barely accommodate the crew.

On the one hand, it is very difficult to close a large empty space with the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the ship. On the other hand, it is very expensive. Even with human forgetfulness and supplies, every additional kilogram costs about US $ 45,000 Only to deliver it to Earth orbit.

So it's better to imagine your space adventures in contrast to those in Star Trek perhaps

17- Black holes are not traps that can not be escaped

The black hole is never seeable (because its attractiveness is strong enough to prevent light from escaping, so the image is just a technical expression.

In view of all that we know about the universe, there is no doubt that black holes are the most frightening thing without a competitor, these invisible objects have an attraction that pulls everything to them and can never escape it .. Or at least this is the common belief, but the reality is different , Although the black holes have a very large attraction and enough to lock the light inside it, it does not mean that they can never escape the impact, in the end it attracts us based on the mass, whatever the mass of large as long as we are outside the "horizon of the event," it is possible To avoid our withdrawal.

In the end, the black holes are large mass objects and great gravity, but if we replaced our sun now with a black hole with the same mass, in fact nothing will change for the orbits of the planets around and the planets will continue to circulate around this black hole as if nothing was not withdrawn inside or something Of that kind

I have finished putting all the facts in thank God to follow the first phase click here

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By Ali Wadee Hassan  


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