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We can say all of these groups and belief systems are like energy banks of sorts, but what is it that makes them "energy banks"? It is each of us and our own energy that we put into them and thus they reflect back to us. So if we find that one group or "individual" has a stronger energy and/or is an energy bank, that is largely because we've bought off on and wired into our subconsciousness to believe and therefore project our own energetic belief into that perception (field). We project our own energies (beliefs) out into what we perceive as our world in a variety of ways and because we have programmed ourselves by choosing to think, feel and believe specific ways, including that those groups or that other person is completely separate from our self, we play out Shakespeare's "All the world is a stage" soap opera game in our own mind, often not realizing that we ourselves are really the screenwriter, director, projector, actors, etc.


Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to your comment. Busy. Had to go back to work. (Painting Contractor). But DAMN that is a good comment and thoughtful too. As far as I understand it we are indeed the creators of energy banks. I wish I understood computers and the correct terminology for them but it seems to me that energy banks are a memory of sorts, kind of like a file that we can add to over time. And there is a file for every energy set out there. When we think in terms of energy we can grasp the concept better. The word "shit" for instance has it's own energy but was created by us. Beliefs, as you indicate, are energy banks. When one taps into a major energy bank, like lets say... Mormonism, then the energy from that bank is so strong, to a member of the LDS church, that it feels like the truth whether it is or not. Ditto Antifa, or anarcho capitalists. This whole thing gets a bit tricky. People are feeling the EB's and thinking that what they feel is the truth, when in fact it is just energy they are feeling and it may not be the truth at all. Ah, well, quite the fascinating thing.

Perhaps we are just energy creations ourselves in some cosmic video game. There certainly are lots of similarities.

Oh, and I am back to work, at least temporarily. So my production here will be less than it has been for a while. However, I'm still going to engage as much as I can. Always good to hear from you. Blessings.

I thought I had posted this last weekend, but it still seems stuck in preview mode. I was talking of this over lunch with a friend yesterday (last Friday). I think of the more eastern belief systems, which speak a lot of just how much science and spirituality all connect. There are in fact many parallels between humans and computers. Neuro Plasticity, for example, is essentially where each time we think a thought and feel an associated feeling, we are wiring (programming) it into our subconscious memory. Eventually after so many times, it becomes the belief system we filter our perspective through and shape our life experience around.

For years they said our memories were held in our brains and then later in the cells of our body tissue. Now the last few decades there has been a growing body of evidence that good ole (H2O) water holds memory, of which we are between 65 and 90% water, depending on several factors. It's in practically everything, from the air we breather to the ground we walk on. Some scientists believe there is a connection between this and to what in spirituality is known as the akashic records.

Again it all makes me think of the Matrix Trilogy and the Jim Carrey film, "The Truman Show" some as well. And all the world's a stage, but there is a growing body of evidence that points to how for each one of us it is our own stage within our own minds, that we each play out our own world from our own individual perspective, while somehow interact with the energies of other experiential versions of our self. In other words the Christopher, as well as the me, in your mind are clothed with energies and memories of all your experiences and the version of Christopher, as well as the me, in my mind are clothed or painted with all the experiential memories that I have collected in my life. Thus, the Christopher in your mind is a very different Christopher in mine. Of course this idea runs against the programming grain and produces cognitive dissonance. I just love to explore all I can outside of the box.

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