Summer is coming!

in #teamsouthafrica7 years ago

And for South Africans, in comparison to Westerosi and winter, this is a grand turn of events, not the most terrifying experience of our lives. It brings dog walkers, not White Walkers, out of hibernation.

What turns a South African's crank?

It might be cloudy today, but something which makes the South African heart go pitter patter even more than wedding bells (which will make sense if you've been reading the leadup to the Wedding of the Century - which I promise you I'll post about tomorrow) is the gentle sound of spring rains after the long dry season. The air smells of impending rain, and is bursting with the competing smells of flowering plants. Clouds mean rain, and rain spells relief from the long period of dusty, beige Highveld winter landscapes.

Spring arrived with force and splendour here in Johannesburg a couple of weeks ago, with trees racing each other into bud, leaf and flower. It's particularly heady in the late afternoons when @tim-beck and I take our little 4-km walk around our peaceful Johannesburg suburb.

Smells and spring just go together

The smells reminded me of a line from a set work we had to do in French in high school - Poussière sur la ville, by André Langevin. It's quite a depressing book about the gradual failure of an ill-fated marriage, but I remember two things specifically from the book: that the young wife was a fauve (she was wild) and that l'air embaumait d'effluves. This was my very first lesson in not translating French to English literally, because that can get you into trouble. If you look at the words, they seem to say "the air was embalmed with effluvia" - bleah. A more elegant and accurate translation is that the "air was fragrant with scents".

As always, something to be thankful for

Okay, so the photos aren't as dramatic without the beauty of afternoon sunlight to bathe the flowers in gold. But we'll get rain soon, and that will make the farmers happy and start to fill our dams again.

Sharing spring

Here are a few shots from the garden today (shot under a cloudy sky) to give you an idea of just how much flowering is going on.

This little beauty is covered in pollen from the tree above it!

Trees and plants the bees love

The bees go crazy for the bottle brush tree.

They also go nuts for this salvia.

Lavender really attracts bees too.

The lemon tree is irresistible to bees. It gave us a bumper crop last year, and it looks like this year might also be sweetly sour.

Yesterday, today and tomorrow

That's what this bush is called. It's been flowering for a couple of weeks now so some of the blooms are starting to dry up - but it still smells heavenly.

It's called a Yesterday Today and Tomorrow bush because it flowers in three colours simultaneously.

Other beauties in the garden

Here's a sample of some of the other beauties enjoying our Joburg spring.

The pomegranate bush which gave me one fruit for my birthday last year is covered in red buds.

Irises are dotting the walls.

Ooooh! I just heard thunder.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


pocketsend:101@kiligirl, have fun!

Amazing beauty of the flowers!

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So wonderful pictures of flowers,love it. upvoted ,resteemed.

Thank you, @theia7! Appreciate the support! 😊😊

very beautiful flower

Like every other cricket lover, I heard the word Johannesburg back in late 90s. The matches played there still refresh my 2 decades old memories. Since Cricket introduced me to this city, so after reading your today's post, the first image that came into mind was cricket matches. Thanks @kiligirl for this beautiful post laden with colorful flowers. It was refreshing to read it. By the way, do you use Dicord or Steemchat?

I've become a cricket lover since moving to South Africa (unfortunately Canada is not a great country for cricket). I'm glad this post gave you another dimension to your view of Joburg. I've been using Discord for @teamsouthafrica and went onto Steemchat when I was trying to figure out how to get @scienceguy's account going. Let me know how and we can chat on either of those channels. 😊😊

What unusual flowers! For the first time such I see and I like it. Recently I published flowers from my land and I was surprised that the usual flowers surprised me for other people.

Hi, @semptly, yes, South Africa's biodiversity is extraordinary and the variety of spring flowers is simply mind-boggling. I didn't even know we had those little purple flowers (the ones growing on the ground) - for two years they've been green leaves with nothing else to hint how beautiful they can be. Interesting how we get used to certain flowers and what is normal for us is exotic for someone else. Thanks for stopping in! 😊😊

always found it amazing how my winter is someone else's summer

Too true! And someone else's night is someone else's day. 😊😊

Spring definitely is inspiring teamsouthafrica, (not the scary winds Durban experienced yesterday though!) Lovely post:) I posted a fun story about my fragrant garden last week, think you will enjoy it @kiligirl:

Glad you enjoyed the post, @lizelle, and I hope you and yours were ok after yesterday's winds (@tim-beck's cousin's smallholding has a couple less trees 😳😳. Sobering how the weather reminds us how small we are. Will check out your post tomorrow morning (internet connection unreliable - I keep having to move to another room to post a reply!) 😊😊

I was driving home at the time, felt like the car was being pushed, a fallen tree on the side of the highway, branches all over the road, scary! We live in a valley so no damage but leaves everywhere, pool full of bougainvillea flowers :) Much damage elsewhere! Never under-estimate the power of nature!

That must have been scary! So glad you and yours didn't suffer more damage. As you say, we must never underestimate the power of nature...hat tip to Irma....

Love the gazanias, bottle-brush, lavender, purple-flower plant, yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, but... my dahlias were blown away by the gale sad!

Oh, so sorry, @sea-cottage! I hope your garden recovers during the summer. Sad to lose growing things we've planted and worked with over months 😢

Thank you for taking care of those plants and flowers, nature is so beautiful

Indeed, and so inspiring! Thank you for stopping in 😊

great. I follow you and I invite you to see my publications

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