
yes sir I can imagine that it would be fascinating to do so and probably produces alot of post material?
what kind of career are you involved in? Because for working a regular job you seem to be quite a prolific poster!

@janton part from work and photo walks I don't go out much so most evenings I am editing photos and preparing posts, I try and do two posts a day for the most part :)

As for work I work in Management of Telecommunications and IT networks

oh thank you for getting back to me sir..well the management sounds like a stressful job and I don't know how you have time to do 2 posts a day while working full time.
maybe you're not married?

@janton LOLNO I am married, but I also spend about 3 to 4 Hours a day on a train, so I have time to prepare posts while commuting :)

oh wow..good day JJ! man..I would think the commute would be dreadful but if you are able to use that as your steemit time then it does indeed work out perfectly for you!
It's the ultimate in efficiency and time use. great job sir JJ!
I mean great job JJ!

@janton I dont mind the commute at all, the trains are fairly comfortable and I can do Emails, STeemit and snooze all depending on my mood so it goes fast

wow..thanks for getting back to me JJ..what did you do before steemit to pass the time, read?
the only problem with that commute for me is having to get up so early! have to go to bed early every night too.

@janton With gettingcloser to retirement i have trimmed down my work load a little prior to Steemit, I was generally doing work emails for most of the commute, now apart from Urgent ones, the rest can wait till I am in the office

Gettign up early has always been my way, between 4 and 4:30 Am most days, but I do need more sleep now so I normally make sure i am in bed before 11 PM

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