Tips to get our kids off Gadget

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

My dear Steemians friends,

Gadgets such as smartphones and tablets are great tools for making kids quiet and busy. They are also a great bribery tool for parents to make kids behave, sit quietly in a car or even during feeding time.


However, parents sometimes fail to notice the impact the gadgets have on their kids. Our kids get hooked on to the gadgets and hardly has time for other things and even fails to pursue their interest. They felt restless and irritated when we took away their gadget. Their behaviour also change and they prefers to be alone with their gadget.

It's high time to monitor our kids before it's too late. Following are some tips on how to get our kids off gadget.

Set the time
Set a clear boundaries about how much time is allowed to be spent playing smartphone.

Delete unnecessary apps
Do busy ourself by looking through at all the apps on the smartphone. Delete the unnecesary apps we do not want our kids to be wasting their time on.

Don’t charge the Smartphone
There's a bit of struggle here but with good excuse, our kids will surely understand.

Do more outside activity
Let our kids be kids. Let them go outside and play. Bring them for jog or play badminton. Our kids will surely love this than playing with gadget.

Toys or traditional games
Buy one that can hold our kid’s attention to replace smartphones. For example Monopoly, blocks toy or anything that is educational. If necessary play along with them.

Spend time
By spending extra time with our kids, we will be forming a better habit and it will reinforce to our child psychologically that this is a good thing. It will help our kids to understand that they're love in so may ways.

Teach our kids to be active by encouraging them to socially interact with others not only digitally, but also outside the screen.

That' all for now. Thank you for reading my post.



I like these tips for getting the kids off of their gadgets sometimes. There is a big world out there, and they must learn to live in it. The phones can help in some ways, but only if used in moderation. Nice post!

Thank you. As parent we have to monitor our kids on the usage of Gadget.

TV yg tingu durng.. Hahaa

My children ,since young I have given them a free pass to play their gadget from Friday evening and hand it back on Sunday evening provided all home work done. Later I would ask them what are they watching or learning. They love to watch Popular youtubers and also play Minecraft and some other games. Because my wife and I already set the expectation, we have resolve complains and whining. It was their motivation towards the weekend and during week days, I would encourage them to develop their creative side. My son and daughter love drawing and so I would check in once a while their progress. My younger son love making vedio and my eldest son love music. Its all about setting expectation.

You guys are such a good parent and doing the right thing. My daughter also love to watch Popular youtubers and Minecraft. Thank you for your comment.

Thank you friend.

Yeah too much gadget use may be viewed as disrespecting the individual that they are with. But it shld be alright if they are blogging in steemit....they are learning to earn an income.

Yes. I agree with you on the steemit thing but still we have to monitor them. Thank you for your comment.

Yes, the kids nowadays are hardly put away their smartphone, my kid too. Sometimes, I will bring her to go outside play at the playground, buy new toys and spend time with her in the house rather than see her facing with the phone for the whole day.

You're doing the right thing. Gadget not only change our kids behaviour but also can affect our kids eye sight. Keep up the good job and thank you for your comment.

good info @verasj mine is the same like @diamondray i gv them their gadget on fri-sun only AFTER they hv finish their homework and will check in once a while what dey r up to. Its all amount limitation.

Good sharing and tips you you have there @verasj. Thanks for sharing good tips!

Thank you.

Thanks for sharing with us. As a parents we really have to let our kids know that other than gadgets they still can have fun by doing other things. Thanks @verasj

This tools are some what essential to keep the kids at bay and your right we are accountable for what we give them. Great post.

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