
Think about where @kevinwong was when Steem price plunged to $0.07 about a year and a half ago from now. The similar situation where people left the platform. Along the way, there are people gave up for various reasons. Steem price currently $3.06. Meaning each 1$ you earned in blogging, there's only 0.114SP going back to your wallet. If you think the pay out is low now, and come back later when Steem Price hit $10, the same 1$ blog earning you'll only get 0.011SP instead. Save as many as we can, but try not to trouble ourselves too much for trying to save them. It's only a game.

On the dark side, it could be Steem shut down and we're all fucked. But hey, it's a game yo. Activision got bought over by Electronic Arts, they no longer update my game Battlezone. Can I blame them? Life goes on. I still have a copy of that game CD keeping in my drawer. It's not like I'm going to put the game back to life and play again, but I'm just going to keep there for as long as possible. HODL

You great!!! @kevinwong is really your bible.....😂 Think @kevinwong will be happy to know this!!

I spell wrong you also spell wrong. Kevin is his name.

Lol!!!! Corrected. Hope he knows he got hardcore fans over here!

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