Running On STEEM Podcast Episode #001

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)


Hello SteemIt nation! Welcome to the first episode of running on STEEM.

My name is Brandon and I'm the host of this podcast along with my co-host/wife, Bee Yen. You can find us on SteemIt as @branlee87 and @siren87.

Why a Podcast?

I've always enjoyed listening to podcasts. I just enjoy the medium. It feels like you're right there listening to people talk and at the same time(depending what podcast you listen to) gain knowledge or value. Some people are always on the go and prefer this medium. And it's just fun to discuss things :)

So what's this podcast going to be about?

A short podcast around 15 to 30 minutes that's going to be about everything in regards to SteemIt. Whether that's about posting, good tips to get starting, how-to sort of things, perspective as a beginner on SteemIt, noob questions, cryptocurrency. Maybe we can even get experts or people in the know to come and talk to me about stuff that noobs wouldn't know. But generally it will be about me and my wife's journey on SteemIt and how it might relate to the rest of the community

But that's just getting ahead of myself now.

Today we're just going to talk about SteemIt itself.

What is SteemIt?

It's a platform that rewards its users for creating content like blog posts, music/audio content, and video content, with its own crypto currency called Steem.

So very simply put, If I blog and put it out there in the SteemIt space and people Upvote it, I will get Steem Power and SBD(steem backed dollars).It's really that simple. Where does the money come from? Consider them as shares. The idea was that people already use facebook and many other platforms and social media tools but don't get a piece of that very delicious pie, so why not create a crypto currency that somewhat revolves around a social media platform made of real people and give them shares to the company.

With Cryptocurrency becoming a more mainstream thing nowadays - like bitcoin- It would be smart to start looking at exploring.

Why should I get on SteemIt?

  • Always wanted to start a blog but never did? Big incentive to do so now.
  • Earn some extra cash to fund a game or a hobby
  • First step into the crypto world.

How to get started

Register. It might take a day or a few or maybe even a week but be patient either way. Then when they confirm everything you'll get your masterkey. Quite long. Don't lose it or give it to anyone. Write it down on paper somewhere or print it out and laminate it. Congrats! You're part of SteemIt!

Thank you for listening to the first podcast episode! I apologize for being nervous and will be better prepared for the next episode :)

A few links to check out by more senior SteemIt members that can explain SteemIt way better than I can:

Links Credit to :


Thank you for listening! If you have any questions or topic suggestions please feel free to write it down in the comments section!


finally got some alone time and finished your podcast. nice sexy voice you have there ;) thanks for this. it's really helpful! :)

Hahahahaha! Thanks a lot, man!

you must definitely check out

It's perfect for you

Yay! Ur first podcast on Steemit is out!

Yeah! So happy!

Is this under steemit?

Doesn't sound nervous to me at all eh. Very good somemore! 👍👍


Thanks for the encouragement!

And thanks for listening :)

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JST 0.030
BTC 66976.31
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.70