Obike 退出新加坡市场 Obike Ceases Operation in Singapore

in #teammalaysia6 years ago (edited)

Out of surprise, Obike, one of the largest bike-sharing company announced in their facebook page that they have decided to exit from Singapore Market.

毫无预警的,新加坡其中一家最大的共享单车公司Obike 今天在他们的脸书群组宣布他们将退出新加坡市场。


The reason given is they unable to cope with the latest regulation by the Singapore Government ,which aim in regulate the mismanagement of bike-sharing to better control the user behaviour of using bike.

Photo Source: Obike SG


Saddened to have read the announcement, as Obike is the bike-sharing company that @auleo chosen over the other competitors- given that Obike is having the largest fleet of bikes and having the most aggressive promotion – Free ride during weekends and many more free rides during travel peak time.

共享单车市场打的最热的时候,消费者则是最开心了- 那时公园全都是骑士们踏着共享单车。

When the bike sharing companies were fighting fiercely for the market share, the consumers get to enjoy their promotion – you get to see everybody is riding on Obike, Ofo & mobike all over in any parks.


But Obike does have it own weakness- its bikes are among the heaviest and unable to tune the speed. As so, even it’s having the most bikes but the faulty bikes also the highest. You can easily see faulty Obike everywhere- be it fall by itself or being sabotaged by someone.


Recently I do observe OFO seems to pickup fast and overtake become the market leader- more riders chose Ofo over Obike, and it looks more well-maintained and you can easily find a good Ofo outside any MRT station. Ofo bikes are lined up neatly and I think Ofo hires someone for upkeep it.


Not sure if any other market player would exit the Singapore market. To strike balance between convenience and management, @auleo guess docked bike-sharing model should be more ideal.


Or else those irresponsible users park the bike elsewhere, without any sense of responsibility, as those bike do not belong to them. Some extreme cases even throwing the bikes into the drain or rivers, it’s real sickening!

Obike 不久前也推入大马市场,现在已经出现了单车乱葬岗:

While Obike was launched in Malaysia not long ago, we start to see the same messy bike somewhere:

不免也为共享单车公司感到痛心,不过现在@auleo 更关心的是,下来是怎么取回Obike的单车保证金,呵呵,唯有不断查阅它们的脸书群了。

Feel pity for the bike-sharing company, but more concerned to @auleo now is how should we as the users get refunded the bike deposit. Sigh hope to get good news in their facebook page then.

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@auleo, 伦家就觉得你写得不错嘛~~~ img

Agreed with you, there are many irresponsible user misuse or sabotage the convenience of the sharing bikes.
Docked bike could be a better way.


This post received 0.87 SBD upvote from @tipU funded by @davidke20 | @auleo now has a chance to win free @steembasicincome share :) | Voting service | For investors.

概念是对的,可是用者的素质却不是那么好... 出差新加坡几次后,有留意到这个问题。




@tipu @tipu @tipu upvote this post with 0.9 SBD faster faster. I wanna go to sleep ady

Sorry, @tipU needs to recover voting power - will be back in 55 minutes. Please try then!

Damn it I can't wait that long. Already 1am, need to hit the sack. Can you save keep me some voting power for 0.9SBD? I'll be up in about 5 hours, then you take my upvote?



唉 有那么难吗……

@tipu @tipu @tipu upvote this post with 0.9 SBD faster

Sorry, @tipU needs to recover voting power - will be back in 3 hours and 35 minutes. Please try then!

Thanks laoda!

Where are you from? P.s nice to meet you :).

How's the weather on mars?

Nice to meet you, you seem very nice.

Hey buddy. Thanks for coming back to me.

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