Team Australia Mentor Project : Call For Mentors

Our Mentor Project launched this week and it looks like it might take us a little while to bed down our processes. That’s OK because I always expected that we will figure out what works and what doesn’t as we go, so we are on track! We have had a new recruitment post put up by the ever-vigilant @choogirl and with that we have a slightly lower intake of 11 new members this week. So far we haven’t paired them all up with Mentors but I don’t think it’s due to a lack of interest.


If you have a look at the recruitment post HERE you will see that the first comment is my reply calling for Mentors. I think initially my comment was a bit late and a bit low on the page so it might have been missed by many of the people who had initially expressed interest in mentoring. As of right now we’ve paired up 6 of those new members with mentors, so it’s a positive start – now we just need to build a bit of momentum!


If you missed the initial call for Mentors, please revisit the recruitment post and reply to my comment so that we can pair you up. This project is a great opportunity for experienced Steemians to help give something back and take a pro-active role in building up the #teamaustralia community so every contribution helps and is appreciated.


Also, if you can help to spread the word and remind our experienced Steemians that we are trying to build up a Mentoring Project to benefit new team members, that would also be appreciated. I think that other community groups might be interested in trying something similar if we can develop a model that works and lead by example. As a reminder, all that we are asking from Mentors is that they commit to supporting Mentees as follows :-

1. Add them to your Following list
2. Commit to Vote for their posts
3. Comment on their posts to foster some engagement
4. Be there to provide some advice (if it’s wanted)


Beyond these basics, it is up to individuals to figure out the best way to help new members get up to speed with the STEEM platform. A few ideas about things Mentors might be able to help with if they feel inclined and are comfortable with the knowledge :-

  • Introduction to Discord and the #teamaustralia channel
  • Introduction to the Minnow Support Project
  • Introduction to other communities with similar interests
  • Assistance with post promotion, such as via upvote or resteem bots
  • Assistance with Curation and other services like Steem Voter
  • Assistance with using the Internal Market for STEEM DOLLAR conversions

These are just a few ideas and there are probably lots of different ways to help new members so I’m open to other suggestions if people want to help me expand this list of ideas for the next update. We’re all learning here and this is a new initiative so I hope that we can work together to make it a success. I don’t have all of the answers, but if we put our heads together I’m confident that we can figure this out.

Thanks again for your support and involvement!


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Wellcome to

Welcome to

Waoo great post .interesting.thanks for share.

Can I mentor someone? Happy to do so if they are OK with a Brit based in Spain!

Absolutely. You would make an excellent mentor I think. Just pick a new member from the recruitment post and reply to my comment and I'll lock in your choice. Thanks!

If we are open to mentors from outside of teamaustralia then I will spread the word to a few circles outside and see if there are more expressions of interest. I actually find that I already kind of 'mentor' people who are less experienced than me here, so I am happy to take on a couple more if that's okay.

We have fresh intake every week, so you won't have to wait long to pick up another and I doubt we will be able to find a mentor for everyone so if you know experienced steemians that want to help, please send them over! :)

Sweet. I've replied on the recruitment post, hopefully in the right place!

Lol - there I was going, yeah I reckon I could probably help a newbie out .... then I read the criteria.

By any chance, is there somebody out there willing to Mentor an old fart??

The only "criteria" is the 4 items in bold so we're trying to keep it pretty simple. The other stuff is just ideas, but if you need help with any of that stuff hit me up on discord and I'm happy to help you out.

Any gamers that need some guidance you can find me under the name "Vien" in the teamaustralia discord! Happy to support and provide feedback where necessary! Don't worry I don't bite :)

Thanks for the offer. The issue here is that newbies don't know about me or you, they don't know about the mentor project and they don't know about discord or our channels. We have to reach out to them, not the other way around.

No worries, I'll keep a sharp eye out for fellow aussies joining the steem wagon and also explore existing new people that are looking for a mentor!

This initiative is already helping me understand and navigate this new world - thank you to all involved!

Glad to hear it's working for you! Thanks for the positive feedback :)

Great initiative @buggedout - I haven't had as much time for steemit the last couple of weeks... but resteemed!

Thanks Bec. One of the first things you realise with Steemit is that it can be hard work staying on top of your feed. So much content each day! I appreciate the resteem! :)

This is a very good initiative, What you want in a mentor is someone who truly cares for you and who will look after your interests and not just their own. When you do come across the right person to mentor you, start by showing them that the time they spend with you is worthwhile.

This sounds awesome @buggedout I often wish I could just ask the questions as they come ........and I still have plenty. I also don't feel confident in discord and would really appreciate a mentor to help me with what must appear to be very basic to seasoned steemians.

Discord is great for just asking questions as they come. If you're not confident using the #teamaustralia channel then you can always see who is online and send private messages.

Yes, @buggedout I will do that. Thanks.

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