Australia and Marijuana

in #teamaustralia7 years ago


This post is about marijuana. I'm not against it, everyone should be able to use any type of substance they want. Yes, I have smoked marijuana. And the same with alcohol, I know what my limits are. When I was young, I had a drink with a old man whom said he had done a lot of drugs in his day. He said "these days fathers don't teach their boys how to use substances and learn the limit of how much you can take before coming a problem. You'll learn that you can drink a lot and there is a tipping point were you become that drunk you'll become a problem for others." The old guy was wise. Its been 17 years since that chat, and I've enjoyed alcohol and the few times I have had marijuana. I've been with people whom haven't been taught that, and they loose all control. We all know the saying everything in moderation, but people these days aren't taught where moderation point is. That is because of the consume everything, which is taught to us at a young age to keep the economy going. Guess I went a little off topic, but I thought I would say that as it doesn't matter what it is. People with abuse it.


Now that is said, I'll get back to the topic of Australian and Marijuana. We all know that the marijuana is illegal here. We see constantly people being arrested for having possession of the plant. Whether the person is growing it, selling it or using it. Last year I come across a article by called How cannabis could revamp the Christmas Island economy. Its about how the Christmas Islands economy can benefit from grow marijuana. Also in the article, says that Australia's richest family (Murdoch) is going to be growing the crop.


It is unbelievable that, your neighbour will get arrested for going one plant for recreational. Yet the richest family in Australia has been given rights to grow a large quantity. Just last month, while I was over my fathers. 10 news had a story that a company in queensland has now got the rights to grow marijuana on the Sunshine Coast here is a link to a story on Sunshine Daily. And just the other day, there was a post on 9 news facebook a company is growing marijuana in Victoria.


So I have to ask. If all these places are opening up to grow the plant. Why is it still that still to this day, the average person is still being arrested for having marijuana in their possession. Yet as long is your the richest family or a company its all right. Guess the old saying is true, those whom make the laws will always make laws that don't apply to them.



Money. It's all about money. I've done a little bit of research on the substance because of illness in my family and it appears on paper that the healing qualities of this plant a quite remarkable. Exploring it's used in this country for medicinal purposes is a concept still in it's infancy. I can't help but think that allowing it's free use would deal a crippling blow to big Pharma. There's your answer in a nutshell mate.

I agree with your position on not relying on the state to impose limits and rather being able to moderate one's own life. This goes beyond just the consumption of things but in life more broadly too.

Yeah, moderation isn't taught to the younger generation these days. Its all about consumerism. And I agree, its all about money. Just look at the website, the silkroad. Its back up and running, but its the CIA that runs it now.

It'll take some life socks to teach restraint to those who don't have it. Mobile phones are another example. Toss out the 12 month old model that still works just because a newer one is released. I take great care of mine and get years out of them.

It's because we don't have a democracy, we have Fascism my friend. Cheers

Yeah and its getting worse. Just look at the US government. They can do insider trading, sell weapons to terrorists (so called terrorist but is actually US foreign military), Import illegal drug and sell those drugs. And the list goes on.

Yeah it's call capital punishment, because if you have the capital you don't get the punishment!!!

hahahahaha. That's the best reply I've gotten.

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