Milo schools Kochie - Sunrise should be ashamed

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)

Milo Yiannopoulos is touring Australia in December and all indications are that the shows have already been sold out.

This however didn't stop one of Australia's leading morning TV news programs from trying to embarrass, ridicule and character assassinate him from the outset.

Only Kochie and Sam had failed to do their homework.

'Never mess with the Milo.'

As you will see from the 5 minute interview - Milo royally schooled the antagonistic leftist duo and left them bloodied and battered on the floor.

Despite the intellectual viewpoints and statistics offered by this best selling author, conservative reporter and commentator - the best Kochie could close with was 'I rest my case'.

To make matters worse, it has been claimed that this interview was cut short by 4-5 minutes too - assuming this was to avoid further embarrassment for the hosts and the leftist dogma.

To be honest - this Knight rarely watches Sunrise, though he did hold Kochie in high regard. However, this display of utter disdain towards a guest on his show and guest to our country - was simply 'un-Australian'.

Milo, you are most welcome in Australia!

And now thanks to @mattclarke cybersquatting on Milo's Steemit name - you are most welcome here too.

I am... SirKnight.

PS. Not all Aussie journalists were out to bring down Milo - Andrew Bolt and Mark Latham have been very welcoming! Thank you gentlemen.


Milo is one of the best debaters I've ever seen, quick witted, intelligent, informed and dead ass funny.
The MSM trying to sully his name should be taken as a compliment as it shows they fear him. I'm sure the tour will be a massive success and will get almost no positive press.
Nice one SK.

He is amazing isn't he. The intelligence of Milo and Ben Shapiro astounds me. A shame they don't get along. SK.

Thanks @sirknight that was good for a laugh.

Don't you just love how they stitch him up with a hit piece before he even gets on to talk. They put several derogatory labels on him right from the word go.

At the end of the day, nobody who thinks for themselves watches that show anyway. It's for the sheeple.

You are welcome B.
They tried to make him out to be some sort of hick fool in the introduction and thought they would treat him like that thereafter - big mistake. And Milo was just so cool in response too. Not sure who watches the show either mate. SK.

Awesome, i heard him on Allan Jones a few weeks ago, he'd be an interesting dude to have a chat with. I'd love to see him here on Steemit. I'm sure he'd definitely teach me a thing or 2.

Thanks for this comment GH - I will try and track down the interview on 2GB website. Milo is a genius. If you get the chance to check out some of his college tour speeches from last year on YouTube - you won't be disappointed.

If he gets bumped from Facebook, he's going to struggle to speak to his audience. Hopefully his people are investigating.

Milo has Penthouse sponsoring him now - so reckon he will be ok getting his message out. However, reckon he will be in touch with you when we have a couple of million here in Steemit. You going to see him live Matt? SK.

Wasn't the Penthouse guy going after Trump?
Seems a little love-triangley.
I love Milo's left-baiting and demeanour, but I'm not conservative any more, I'm ancap.
He and I would disagree on cop and soldier worship and border control, I should think.
No plans to see him. His shows are already sold out, I believe?

While I don't agree with everything Milo says and think he takes somethings too far, I appreciate the fact he speaks his mind unashamedly and owning Kochie and Sam like that is the icing on the cake.

Hi Simon - I find it difficult not to agree with him. Everything he says he seems to have the stats to back it up. 'Inconvenient truths' perhaps, but truths nevertheless. SK.

Sure in this instance but watch the first interview he did with Joe Rogan.

If you agree with everything he says then we will have to agree to disagree because while I agree with his right to say anything he wants, I dont agree with his views on what people can do with their loved ones.

Don't get me wrong Simon - I don't agree 100% with everything anyone says.

Hey SK I turned that drivel off years ago. No respect earned or deserved on that, or the equivalent shows on the other networks. To be honest I couldn’t even bring myself to watch the vid you posted mate. I’d rather chew my own arm off. Good post though. The more that this rubbish is “outed” the more people will turn off. Enough people turn off and it’s all over.

If you don't know who Milo is Galen, there are plenty of better vids on YouTube - he is a must watch. Hearing you on Sunrise etc. SK.

I’ve seen some vids here and there. Will check out the YouTube ones. Cheers.

I've modified a bit, but feel this is appropriate. If you want to watch some better news check out Phillip Defranco on Youtube.

I like how the "news" takes snippets of video out of context and uses it for attack pieces.

However mate - they have just been hammered! And I not talking some troll taking a swing at you with some girly hammer. They have seriously been smashed with a sledgehammer and an extremely articulate sledgehammer at that.

I'm seeing him in Sydney! I'm so keen
Check out my last post on some fake news I called out

Yeah have seen this, all these morning talk shows are targeted to sheeple anyway, fucking cash cow shit ahaha wtf. Milo is a pioneer

A pioneer for sure CO - Milo is making conservatism cool again.

nice video! sirknight

Thanks for stopping by A. Reckon that 1% was just a slip of the button. Not sure why Community News needed to point it out really. SK.

I am sure SirKnight appreciates your 1% vote Ahlawat!


you are right man! but 50% upvote

So it is Ahlawat ; )

Just remember 'all is visible on the blockchain'.


ok! community news

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