I Quit My Full-Time Job For Cryptocurrency + Steemit (TEAMAUSTRALIA)

Hey guys, I'm a 21 year old kid from Australia and I just handed in my resignation note to my boss at ALDI. That's basically because in the last few weeks I've matched my weekly wage from that place simply trading cryptocurrency . And now I've discovered Steemit!

The potential here is crazy and I hope everyone sees it. You can earn a living by posting and even upvoting content!

This is what I want to do full time now. With my crypto money I've invested in a home studio, so I can do my music on the side of trading and posting on Steemit, I think it was money well spent ;)

Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 10.06.50 am.png

On the whole, I feel so happy, free and stoked that I have the opportunity to do this.
Tell me your success stories, or are you afraid to quit your job?
Thanks for listening!
go @teamaustralia



Wow. I really respect you to do that. I agree cryptocurrency has alot of potential and even steemit alone, if you can become one of the big writer here, you could easily gather more than a normal job in australia i guess. Give you an upvote. Way to go mate.

Cheers mate!
That's the plan, to become a main writer on here!
Thanks so much :D

Congratulations, very inspirational! I'm not quitting just yet - my job allows me to buy more crypto :).

Hopefully crypto will be making you more crypto in the near future!

That is the plan friend!

Awesome work dude! :D Where can I hear your music?!

we are on youtube, spotify, apple music!

Holy cow, man. You sound great!!!!


thanks so much!
Stoked you like it!

Good luck, mate. How long were you at ALDI?

Cheers mate!
I was at ALDI for 7 months, I moved out of my parent's house to Brisbane for that job as well!
Before that I was at Coles for 5 years hahaha

So it's not like you were on the cusp of long service leave. Now's the time to take those risks. Following.

Yeah I definitely feel if I don't take these big risks now I'll regret it!
Thank you! :D

Good on you mate! ... But be careful as well. Trading full time is a tough gig. Make sure you set aside money in the good times, because bad months, quarters (hopefully not years) do come along. Followed, up'd n resteemed.

Yeah I won't be full time trading, but definitely will be doing it a lot. Steemit and other creative things will be my main income!
Thanks :D

Nice! Either way, the worst thing that can happen is you end up back at Aldi ... nice risk:reward on that trade!

Bold move man! Congrats on the freedom and good luck on future success. Cheers!

I can't wait for the day when I can quit my job and blog, YouTube and do photography full time. Its a dream I refuse to throw away, its a dream I refuse to give up on. This is proof that dreams do come true if you work hard to make them come true. This is awesome though. Congrats.

Dreams can come true
Make it your goal rather than a dream, and you'll smash it so quickly!
i believe in you


Do you have a back up plan? If no, then I wish you good luck mate!

I never plan for failure, if it bombs I'll figure something out!

That is a great spirit @pvtrickheaton , bravo!

I'm still working on my success story, but I'm glad you've figured yours out ;)
I love Steemit!

you will kill it im sure!

Great work, mate. Now is definitely the time to take these kinds of risks. @crypticus will be inspired by your story.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.029
BTC 66902.20
ETH 3248.49
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64