Wirex Looking To Add Support For More Currencies. Let's Push For AUD Support!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #teamaustralia7 years ago


Hi #teamaustralia and the broader crypto loving community. I thought I'd mention that I've been in contact with www.wirexapp.com, a company providing mastercard / visa cards linked to cryptocurrencies, inquiring about AUD support.

They currently provide USD, GBP & EUR accounts, or combinations of these, so each transaction made in Australia would incure a 3% conversion fee.

I've been keen on wirex since @dollarvigilante interviewed them a while back and I've wanted crypto-linked card support to move one step further towards "debanking" but have been put off by the conversions required.

Wirex haven't promised me AUD support explicitly yet but it sounded promising as they're in the process of expanding their denomination options at the moment. Perhaps if more of us contact Alena on [email protected] asking for the same then we may be able to add some weight to the chances of this becoming a reality for us Aussies.

This would be massive for us Aussies as we would be able to bin our existing cards issued by the big4 and their smaller cousins and shift our business to a product fueled by non-fiat.

Let me know how you go guys as I'm keen to see a product like this available in our local currency.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday night!


I have personally used Coinjar, who have an EFTPOS card (CoinJar Swipe, for physical purchases. It is not a VIsa or Mastercard though, so no good for online transactions.

I've just emailed Alena to ask my support, because I have also looked at wirex, but the currency conversion fees have put me off getting one so far. With the recent surge in bitcoin value, they have been burning a hole in my pocket to be spent. (I actually helped a mate set up a bitcoin wallet on his phone today and paid him in bitcoin for mowing my lawn.)

I got a reply:

Hello brendio,
Thank you for your message and for your feedback.

We are indeed considering to add new currencies in the future (and AUD is one of the top ones, along with JPY and CAD). However, at the moment, I cannot promise it is going to be anytime soon (I believe a few months at least).

As soon as we do, we announce it via newsletters and our social networks (: Stay tuned.

Warm regards,
Alena K,
Support team lead

That would cool to have support for AUD. Email has just been sent to them, lets see what they say.

Hi mate.. was just about to link you to this post in the comments we were shaing in my other thread but I see I'm too late! Your interest in AUD card support was the catalyst for me posting this one so thanks for the inspiration 😊

I hope we get some interest on this one.

No problems, finger crossed.

Wouldn't it be wise to do a petition and get signatures. maybe like this page and get Aussie members to post their name and send one email with the link to the page so they can see it would be worth it.

Not a bad idea @stocka. I hadn't thought initially of a petition as I had just enquired with them personally out of interest and then shared my hopes here tonight. Perhaps we could seek the wisdom of the crowd in the comments here and if members think a single petition thread rather than individual email is the way to go then I'd be happy to start a dedicated post for that and then send wirex the link with a description in one hit.

Thanks again.

nice one...as i read in the reply....i just wait with you guys and if you need a sign im in......

Hi @urs, @stocka, @jeff001, @ausbitbank. I've launched the petition tonight here. Thanks very much guys.

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