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RE: New Team Australia Charity

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

It might sound a little self serving, but could we get a bulk order of entry-level laptops to those who struggle, physically or psychologically, to get out of the house?
This is a beautiful community, and I think a lot of lonely people could really benefit from getting involved.
(I'm thinking of people like @lauralemons, who is sadly no longer with us)


I like this @mattclarke it’s a real problem that many people face. I have a girl who works for me who is a single Mum of five kids. Last year one of her daughters broke the family’s only laptop. Three of the kids are in high school and they had no computer to do their homework on. For people who are struggling financially something that can seem so simple for the rest of us can be really hard to get.

I’m proud to say she got a “performance bonus” about two weeks later that helped cover the cost of a new computer 😉 She’s a fantastic employee who thoroughly deserved the extra money, so I was happy to help her out. Not everyone is so lucky though.

I’m not sure how you’d do it? Maybe get in touch with a shelter and coord through them?

Thats an interesting idea mattclarke.
It is a supportive community I agree. There must be an organisation that can be contacted to enquire if this would be possible. It offers challenges in the way of paying for internet and online education but its just challenges.

True. Laptops may not be the best. Particularly if a lot of them already have them.
Wireless broadband devices maybe?
You can get prepaid ones with long expiry.

Maybe like you said a cheap laptop and independant wifi device with gb to start them off - no reason it would be over $500 to start them off?

There is a group from Aus on here called voiceofhealth that advocate for those affected with mental health issues - if it went any further maybe they could assist.

Sounds like a good idea, but would we be giving a possible poisened chalice with entry level equipment? They might have difficult support or run into problems beyond the short term.

Hi Matt. I like the idea, the logistics of it could be a little difficult though. If there was an organisation that was able to facilitate REAL connections with people that really needed it, I'd been keen to chat to them.
I just worry that the laptop/device gets sold for other things.
But this is still very much something I'll look into more.

Something like this - - could get amputees typing.
Maybe there are plenty of computers, but they've not previously had the option to engage?

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