Team Australia - Not a nice post


Gday everyone. I'm not happy about writing this post, but it has to be done I guess.

This post is going to cover the following topics.:

Decency, Community initiatives and Community Positions within Team Australia.


Everyone here in Team Australia is here for the common goals of mateship, community and to have a fun relaxed time. Last week, when a disagreement between 2 members in a private chat was posted to the comments section of the post those values were destroyed. Everyone in this community should feel safe to have a private conversation with someone, especially an arguement and know that its going to stay between the 2 of them. If people can't feel safe to talk to people, especially when one of them is a top 50 witness, then the community will fall apart very rapidly.
@jackmiller you done fucked up mate, and I expect a public apology to @bearone. As someone who is going for a position of trust and respect within the witness program, you should have known better. Your arguement of "keep it out in the open and transparent" does not apply as we will see in the next section.

Community Initiatives

Firstly, let me set something straight. The server we share with the New Zealanders is not a Hard fork of Team Australia. It was a chance to grow and expand the group, giving it breathing room and a way to set it own direction. Team Australia is, and always will be a part of @aggroed Minnow Support and a PAL group. The new server was never a break away from MSP, or anything like that. BUT...... this leads me to my main point. I fucked up on doing this, I didn't seek enough consultation or gauge enough community support in doing it, thus there is some resentment around it. Sure I may be the figure head of this group, but that doesn't really count for much unless the group is behind it. Even I can't just go and do something new and expect it to be recieved with open arms and rejoice.
We're all Australians here, we know that we thumb our noses at directives and demands, we need to be consulted. We have seen too many projects fail because people go off on their own with no consultation and just expect everyone to follow blindly because it says its a Team Australia project.
With this in mind, I'm seeking approval to add a new room on the TA/ANZ server for community initiatives. This will be a place people can bring an idea to the community and have some open respectful debate around the idea. Everyone can bring an idea to this place, its a safe space. But that doesn't mean every idea will be accepted. Some ideas just will not work, some ideas just wont have support. You're still welcome to run with your ideas if the team doesn't support it, but it wont be a Team Australia project and you can't get your knickers in a twist if people don't support it.

Community Positions

If there are positions that become available to promote Team Australia on a much larger scale, then I'm sorry but if can't be first in best dressed. This kind of thing needs to be discussed and agreed upon by a larger group.
@jackmiller, I'm sorry but I do not agree that you should be the Australian Ambassador for Promo Steem. There is absolutely no doubt that @mattclarke should have that role. He has personally recruited nearly half of Adelaide into Steemit, holds regular meets and actively engages the public on all matters relating to Steemit.
This is something that needed to be discussed and agreed upon before again blindsiding the group.

I'm sorry that this wasn't the nice fun light-hearted post that you're used to, but some of these things needed to be said. The big take away from this post is this: TALK TO US... work as a group and you'll be supported where ever we can, going rogue never works.
Oh and TA CAsh is just a fun nickname that @choogirl called the TA/NZ Server thanks to my cock up. Learn from my cock ups, no matter how great the server is, my implementation of it was shit and we paid the price because of it.



from my perspective, all it takes is a little community discussion to talk through ideas and move initiatives forward. I'd like to think that we are not a political movement because that would mean all initiatives would take a minimum 5 years to be morphed into something different and still never get off the ground.

There are a large number of people who have worked tirelessly, and for no-profit, to build the TA community. @jackmiller is one of those, and there are many more. To do all of those people justice, then discussion is needed within the community otherwise it will all fall over and go to shit.

I personally do not want to see that happen. Using a little common sense and ethical behaviour is a must to foster good will and relationships within this great community. When the crypto good times roll around again, we will be stronger and able to move forward as one of the most resilient communities on Steem.

Everyone makes mistakes, it takes a strong person to admit to those mistakes and an even stronger person to apologise and lead by example in not making those mistakes again.

Vote 1 @mattclarke for Ambassador. We're a productive group down here in Adelaide, and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.

Working together as a community everybody wins, and like you said, communication is the most important thing. It's not about getting permission, but rather gaining insight, direction and support of a broader userbase.

Hopefully we can all move on and support each other better with our projects, whatever they may be. I think @jackmiller is a great guy who is doing some really good things, but possibly could have communicated a bit better. Perhaps the sense of community has diminished somewhat, and needs to be sparked back into what is was this time last year.

We all need to work harder at it for our community to succeed.

@bmj sure he may mean well but as always, even from the beginning when we all first met him at #steemlords, his approach, way of being, leaves much to be desired

Im now beyond the point of "ohh he means well."

He crossed that line last week.

Hey @bearone, I can completely understand why you feel that way, and I agree he shouldn't have put up a private conversation for all to see. I can only go with how I know Jack, possibly a bit rough around the edges, but a good bloke nonetheless, and not immune to making mistakes just like the rest of us.

I have a great deal of respect for both of you. You both have contributed a lot to the community, and continue to do so in your own ways. Hopefully you're both able to make peace and move on.

....I also know I don't want to get on the wrong side of @bearone ;)

Thanks @bmj. We all knew that about jack and have made plenty of excuses for him over the year.

Like I said he crossed a line with me and thats where Im at now.

All my compassion, understanding, leniency are done now.

Thanks for saying what I wanted to say, saved me the trouble of trying to figure out how to write it ;D

Thanks for writing this post. It’s clarified a few things for me.

Namely, I think I now get the “TAcash” reference... sorry, a bit slow on the uptake there 🤦🏽‍♂️. Does that mean there is also potential for TAgold?!? 😉

I love the idea of a place where projects and initiatives can be put up and discussed. That would be awesome!!!

Now that I’m getting a bit more involved, these kinds of discussions and spaces are useful for newbies like me.

I certainly hope there won’t be a TAgold but maybe a TAdiamond lol
I look forward to seeing your ideas in that new room

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I hope we all learn from our mistakes and improve for the best of the community.

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Well said, thank you and good morning :)

Lol. I didn't actually come up with the name. I can't remember who did, but it sounded appropriate so I ran with it.

I do remember a conversation we had around TA Cash!!! Was it me or you???? Let's keep the mystery lingering!

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