Selfish Santa Tutorial

While discussing the logistics of doing a secret santa with @kubbyelizabeth and @choogirl for the Team australia Christmas Party being organised by @dropbear I had suggested doing Selfish Santa. I was met with blank stares something like this.

So heres how Selfish Santa works.

Every person buys a present at the set budget, say $10. Thats every person attending, not just 1 per couple.

Everyone draws a number, this determines the picking order.

So number 1 goes and takes any gift they like, then open it up and sit down.

Then number 2 can decide to either a) Steal Number 1's gift or b) choose their own gift.

Then number 3 onwards follow the lead of number 2.

If you're gift is stolen, you get to go pick again.

If you have picked a gift and don't like it, you cant then decide to go steal.

This way, if someone chooses a really killer gift, other people get to be selfish and take the best gift for themselves.

This game works really well with people who are good friends and can have a laugh. It also helps if some people put in some really crappy presents.



Oh yeah, I've played this before at work Christmas parties. It's good. I've not heard it called 'selfish santa' though. I don't know what it was called, but not that.

I'd be down for that. Regular Secret Santa is going to be difficult, as we don't really know each other that well. Sounds like a good laugh.

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me gusta jeeeee

In with choogirl in English not in Portuguese is it called that, but I’m keen. :)

I thought it was gonna be just each person buying a present and then just give it to themselves. The would be, by definition, selfish

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