Interview Series

Ok people, I want some engagement here, so please reply.

I want to try to do some interiews with some normal people, or people that would be almost taboo to most people. So I'm thinking Strippers, escorts, drug dealers, people of that ilk.

so what I want from you, is tell me what kind of people you'd find interesting and what kind of questions you'd like to ask if you could ask them anything.

I really would like you to shoot me through some ideas, no matter how weird it is, I don't want any boring newspaper interviews, rather something that people actually WANT to read.

This should really help raise the profile of Steemit with other normal people and help push it to all their friends as well.



I'd like you to interview a pedophile. That would be cheery, wouldn't it! But seriously, I saw an interviews with some pedos on TV on The Feed recently and it was fascinating. They are "non-practising" pedophiles and my heart went out to these people who, after all, didn't ask to be born this way. I really appreciated their honesty in both acknowledging that they do feel this way ... and that they choose not to act on it. I appreciate the insight.

The most taboo of all, someone not invested in crypto yet.
Why they won't and their view of this form of currency.

But also a crack head, and how they earn money.

Same person, right?

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The people I find most interesting and inspiring are those that have done something significant and meaningful in their lives. I guess that leaves out strippers, escorts, drug dealers, etc. lol

Non premeditated murders, people who it seems so unlikely based on thwir normal personality. How they see themselves now etc

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