History of the Freedom of the City march

Last weekend in Brisbane we had the Royal Australian Air Force Cadets take part in the in their first Freedom of the City march. I thought it'd be a good idea to explain what this event symbolizes as why certain cities do it.

History of the March

In Roman times, when generals and their troops returned from battles to the major cities, the troops were regarded as Freemen. They were no longer troops, this applied to the Generals as well. No military was permitted to enter the city as it may be deemed an act of war.
During times of celebration "Triumph" the victorious generals would be given permission to enter the city for 1 day only to celebrate.

So during the Ancient and Medievil times, this is why militaries would camp outside the city walls, even of their home towns. For them to enter the city again, they had to return to the status of a civilian.

But when a town wanted to honour a trusted army because of great deeds done in on their behalf such as acts of bravery and protection of the city, the town was able to offer a Freedom of the City grant. This allowed the troops to enter the city limits as honoured and trusted guests.

Modern Application

The most common Freedom ceremony that takes place now is when a dignitary such as a sports star is given the "Keys to the City". This is the symbolic link between the Military honour and the Civilian honour. It shows that the individual is well regarded and trusted by the city that is giving them the keys. This is generally carried out by the highest office holder of the city, such as the Lord Mayor as he is the one in charge of the city and not the State Premier.

The Brisbane Marches

Last weekend we had 2 Wing of the Australian Air Force Cadets be granted the Freedom of the City to honour the work that they have been doing for young people for the last 70years. Back in the day I was a proud member of this group, and I can attest to how much good work and fine tuning they did to a young guys character. Being given the honour to march on the city is truely one of the higest honours that could have been bestowed upon these kids.

Brisbane city also holds and Annual Freedom of the City for the 2/14th Light Horse regiment from the Australian Army. This is the historic unit that fought in the infamous Battle of Bersheba and is one of Australias most honoured and respected units still in service today.

While the 2/14 is Historically a Cavalry unit, today it is an armored unit sporting Armoured Personnel Carriers and Battle Tanks. But for the Freedom March, the troops return to horseback. Upon reaching the city limits, the Qld Police Mounted unit challenge the 2/14th, then grant them permission to enter the city with full battlements of swords and lances drawn, their coloured flags flying and drums beating. All symbolizing victorious troops returning to their home towns.

Get out and Support the Troops

While we should always support the ANZAC day marches, the guys and girls taking part in the Freedom of City marches need to be shown as much support as possible. This even is designed to show a huge amount of respect to the current and former members of the unit. We should make an effort to get out and watch these events when possible. It also gives you an understanding of just how many people are involved in these units and the equipment that they utilize.


Nice history 😊, nice post @gohba.handcrafts

Had no idea this was a thing, thanks for sharing!

Interesting history lesson mate. It's a really good thing to give those kids some recognition and reward for their work in the Cadets. They really do add value to the community, while also gaining some excellent life skills.

@therealwolf 's created platform smartsteem scammed my post this morning (mothersday) that was supposed to be for an Abused Childrens Charity. Dude literally stole from abused children that don't have mothers ... on mothersday.


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