What the hell is wrong with America? Its gun culture, for a start

in #teamaustralia7 years ago (edited)


I am so upset right now.

I don't even have a right to be, I guess. Not compared to some. But what the hell. I'm going to go with it.

My first mentor, my boss from many years ago, had a daughter. She was just a kid when I knew her. Happy. Smart. Funny.

I haven't seen her for years. I haven't seen my old boss for years. Too many to count. Hell, I don't even know if he's still alive. But I still respect and love him, and his family, and am grateful for what he, and they, gave me all those years ago.

My boss escaped the US when he was a young adult. He went travelling. Met an Australian woman, ran with the bulls, fell in love.

Moved to Australia, got married, had kids, started a business.

He was happy to live in Australia. It was (and remains) a good place to live. A good place to raise kids. A safe place.

A place with sensible gun laws.

Laws that don't provoke a violent society propelled by an out of control gun culture which creates a hyper-reactive police force with a one point risk management strategy: shoot-first.

Australia is a place where if you call the police, because you are in trouble, because you need help, you can be reasonably sure they won't shoot you dead.


Not so much it seems.

My bosses' daughter moved to America when she herself fell in love.

Four years later, she was in trouble. She needed help. She called the police.

And now she's dead.

WTF is wrong with you America?

Words cannot express my sorrow. Life, especially human life, is infinitely precious.

May all beings be happy.


Wow. That is not where I was expecting this story to go. I'm so sorry this happened.

Me too
It's in the news now

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Thank You - @blueorgy

Condolences mate. This is just fucked.

If this can happen in a middle class white neighborhood, you can only imagine what it's like living in a poor black one. This is the same PD that murdered that guy with his wife and daughter in the car last year.

Just so sad

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