
You weren't fat Choo Choo you just had a bad top on.
Try this it's appropriate and slimming........


Lol! 😭 I'm dying.

Best shirt ever 😂😂😂😂

Whilst everyone seems to think I am a bloke, I am not!! So it is with this shocking revelation that I reveal to you, the sausage sports a handbag!! If I was to divulge to you the contents of said handbag, I would surely shock the average reader, and leave them perplexed and potentially doubting of my sex. Whilst my confession is the truth, I am a painter and decorator and my handbag contains (ok here we go) many a tool, makeup, left over spag-bol (for lunch ) a Christmas card (?... fuck I need to clean this bag out!!) phone charger iPad with keyboard, oh a second smaller iPad (.... that’s where it is!!) a book, (the gift of mindfulness) a reel of white cotton, perfume (kalvin Kline obsession) tampons,deodorant can, duster brush, superglue, obligatory assortment of small coins, Qualia key, lenses cap, moisturiser, and ffs I even have a packet of sweet pea seeds, just in case I feel like doing a bit of gardening (obviously!) My god, no wonder my shoulder is sore!! Thank you @choogirl for the inspiration to clean out the mini skip handbag! Jesus, no wonder I get stopped at airport security with disturbing frequency!! I had to stop listing what’s in the bag, it just way way way too embarrassing!!Regards @steemsausage

Shock and horror!! Who would mistake that someone with the name of @steemsausage was a lady!

Please let there be a sausage in your handbag!

Unfortunately not!! Lol only left over spaghetti bolognaise that was for my lunch at work today!! Lol ! I call everyone sausage! And I have a jack Russell x sausage dog!! Hence the name!! Nice to meet you @scooter77

Lol. You need to prioritise this challenge for your next post!

Ohh and Choo girl, just the heads up, vinegar doesn’t kill all mould, but it does etch the substrate you are applying it to, which essentially increases the surface area allowing mould to really hang on to your handbag!!Leave vinigar spray on bag for and hour After using the vinigar spray the bag with a mix of baking sofa and water (1 teaspoon of baking sod’s to 2 cups of water) rinse and repeat!

Oh thank you. I will try that. I hadn't thought of using a baking soda mix as well.

Oh my god, this needs to be a post. You are getting nominated. I'm going to update my post.

Ohh i feel ya @steemsausage ...decided to take my own bag apart after reading @choogirl post :)

Ohh many wonderfull findings...(a few comments down)

I was sure that syndrome belonged only to man, but after reading your comment...i know now it trancends gender :))

On another note, ill trade your sweet pea seeds for my solar panel and charging controller, send me your details so we can arrange an exchange :):)

The sausage sports a handbag.
Oh, thank you for that, I needed a hearty laugh.


THIS IS A BEAUTIFUL ARTICLE> Don't get started on plastic , i will be uploading an article soon on rubbish and plastic in our local waterways on the east,coast of Australia

Hhhhmmmmm. Not sure what to think about this post.

  1. Handbags are not my thing and I really don't believe that is all you have in your handbag. Ladies handbags are notorious blackholes and maybe your arms are not long enough to get to the bottom of yours!

  2. Being invited around to your teachers house at the end of schooling is downright creepy and bordering on illegal..... No you don't look fat but the pavlova looks delicious!

Thanks for posting something that allows me to critique and comment on! Yours Truly, Scooter the awesome!

Lol. Not mine. There's actually less in it now that when I took the photo. I don't see the point of carrying around shit I don't need to be carrying around. Actually I loved travelling through South America cos all I had was a small money belt most of the time. Or if we went out, you would stick some cash/card in your bra. No bag at all. That was a beacon for robbers.

It was the 90s. They were young. We were young (but had finished school so not that young). It was fine. Stop thinking like a bureaucrat.

Yes I guess it was ok in the 90’s????? All the infamous peadophiles were active during the 1990’s!

They were first year teachers, no pedos. It was all good.

Is your Account Name "Choogirl" derived from the sunglasses?

Close. I have a reasonable amount of Jimmy Choo shoes from back in the day, which is where I actually got it from.

Moving across the world will certainly lighten up the load!! Your bag is pretty empty , that's good just the essentials, I have to dump the content of mine to find anything, I used to live in the east coast of Canada and it gets pretty warm and muggy in the summer, I can imagine the melting makeup's not a good look haha. Make up is not that good for the skin, you are better off! we all had questionable fashion choices when we were 18, don't sweat it!! you were still cute :) I enjoyed your story and more personal post.

Lol. Thank you. In my defence, it was the 90s.

This is a very detailed explanation, you even showed us the lining of your bag! I really liked your Jimmy Choo sunglasses, they are SO FANCY

Well it is a 'what's in my bag' post. I think it would be dull if I didn't go into some detail.

Yes, I love those sunglasses too. I think they are my favourite pair I've ever owned.

At last!!!

You would fit in well in Taiwan with your brolly in the summer

I know, I'm shit. I'm sorry.

Oh yeah, the Asians are into the umbrella for sun too hey?

I use it, I have delicate skin.

A woman's closest secrets revealed. But why do women carry such big bags with only just a few things in them?
Is it bigger the better?
The other night this 20 something was carrying a handbag about 50cm wide and 40cm high, and I noticed she spent the night dancing with it.
Go figure.

Hey, not just women! I have a messenger bag that I carry around that (unless I'm travelling) is less than a quarter full. But it has sooooo many pockets and zip compartments! Plus, I hate moving stuff around to a smaller bag because I need the space when I have work stuff (like concert shoes or jackets) to take.

I have no idea. I'm not one of those women. I tend to go for the smallest one that will fit whatever I need to carry around.

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