
Yes, he's the squatter... sitting on the land he stole from all of us and accusing all the people he defrauded of being the fraudsters!

Hmmm…don't you mean the land that your colleague, Mario Del Real, has attempted to steal while working with you, Kirley and others, with forgeries, falsified documents, theft and more? You never put a dime into GGC Berwick, but you have caused millions of dollars in damages to it dating back to mid-2013, so how could you possibly think you have any claims to being an owner? Are you going to try and claim that the partial payment of your debts to me was now suddenly for the purchase of ownership in GGC? You guys can't pay off my attorneys any more, so it is going to get quite difficult for you now.

Johnson never put a dime into GGC. Johnson is the one who worked with Mario Del Real. And absolutely no one except Li'l Kenny Fraudster and his buddies did any monetary damage to GGC.

lol…which one of the looters of GGC are you 'freedom engineer'? Josh Kirley? You guys are well known for hiding behind aliases, fake blogs, fake names, and more. That will be shared here shortly.

This will be an interesting week or two for all of you who still try to cover up your own crimes and those of your fraudulent hero, Berwick.

It was a legitimate question. The name carries a lot of baggage. Why not just divulge who's operating the GG (without a C?) username?

…and this is Joe Johnson isn't it? Are you still associated with Cobin, after he ran his real estate scheme into the ground, while he is still trying to accuse me of an endless list of things that I haven't done? Are you the elusive "Terrence" or is that the little writer guy, Bodzin, who kept sneaking around GGC until I told him to pound sand in 2014, after we found out he was trying to create any bullshit story he could that was derogatory of myself and GGC? You guys are quite pathetic. Cheers.

Wow, really swing in wide arcs, don't you? And you call me pathetic?
Yeah, this is Joe.

Hey anotherjoe…I did so on other posts, but hadn't done so here as of yet. I just posted my identity above. Cheers. Please follow me. We will be sharing quite a bit of information on the true history of GGC, as well as the many scams, lies and crimes of Berwick.

Hey Joe…wow…another post that you, Cobin, "Terrence", etc., didn't like…so, you flagged it away. How very 'free speech minded' of you. Is Frank Szabo still working for Cobin, after he got jacked for $500,000 on Failed Orchard?

Your comments are libelous and reflect your character. You're free to say things all you want, just as I'm free to downvote them.
I hope @stellabelle investigates this debacle thoroughly.

My name is Troi Bryan. I have no dog in this fight.

Hi Bryan. I'm Ken Johnson, the Founding Partner of Galt's Gulch Chile. I just joined here a couple weeks ago to shed some light on the false information about GGC, and myself, that was orchestrated largely by Jeff Berwick, his close cohort Chris Serin, Josh Kirley and a couple of others. I apologise for thinking you were one of the corrupt clients of GGC, or one of Berwick's sidekicks. It's been over two years now since Berwick and those trying to seize GGC's land/water assets have been smearing me, and trolling virtually anything and everything that exposes their lies and crimes. I'll be posting an intro story by tomorrow for this account, and will follow that up with a large amount of information that exposes all of Berwick's scams, crimes, lies and fraud…with many victims. I will also be providing large amounts of evidence showing that the false narrative about me, and GGC, is indeed false. Cheers.

Here we go again with the same old lies. It's so stupid and obvious it's ridiculous. How can Johnson be "the founding partner of ggc?" If he is a partner, then there are other partners by definition, therefore he can't be "the" partner. Yet, he denies that he had any partners, a demonstrable lie exposed by both legal documents and eye witness accounts.

Johnson started with three GGC partners, promptly defrauded them of their share of the project, then moved on to defraud 73 families of $10.45 million with GGC and related scams. In the process, he racked up $100s of thousands in bills to local trades people, utilities, SII (taxes), lawyers in Santiago, his accountant, his American employees and his Chilean farm workers. He is a liar, a thief, and a manipulative sob.

I don't doubt this criminal will be posting a "story" tomorrow. It will be mostly fiction. Any truth he lets slip will be employed only to disarm you into believing his overall mendacious narrative that he was a victim. Yeah, right.

After you waste your time with his idiotic sob story that will no doubt be long and exceedingly boring, go to our webpage for the truth and evidence about Galt's Gulch Chile:

Post away, Li'l Kenny, all you want. Judge Mardones probably doesn't read English and he certainly won't be reading anything you write on this tiny corner of the internet. While you write, be assured that Prosecutor Cáceres will be preparing his felony cases against you. Enjoy your last few days of freedom--on our dime, as always.

@ggcrecovery Thanks for the grammar lesson. now I "promptly defrauded" three GGC partners? Ok. You must be talking about the very bitter expat in hiding, John Cobin, his business partner, German Eyzaguirre, your close ally, Jeff Berwick. Apparently, you haven't seen the signed and notarised dissolution of all business relations amongst these "partners"? Or maybe you have, and simply are choosing to misinform people about it? I go with the latter. Cobin carried out some highly unethical things that are well documented in emails and communications from Berwick, Eyzaguirre, and Cobin himself. I guess these don't exist in your mind?

I've already covered your false accusation about my purported theft of millions of dollars (which changes with the wind), so I won't get into that in this reply. Can you provide actual proof of these mysterious "$100s of thousands in bills" that are actually true, rather than lawsuits trumped up by former attorneys of GGC, or myself, whom Kirley retained to then file immediate lawsuits against GGC? As you know, one, and apparently more, of my past attorneys had received payments directly from convicted felon, EJ Lashlee, whom is a fellow "rescue" team member with you, Kirley and Baker. Is this one of the "bills" that you speak of? Rodriguez has some big problems heading his way for accepting payments from, and colluding with, parties adverse to the GGC project, and myself, as he was invoicing tens of thousands of dollars per month. As you may know, I have the actual bank transfer receipts from Lashlee to Rodriquez…but, maybe that doesn't matter to you when misinforming others about the situation. The remaining "bills" that GGC did have have mostly all been paid now, after many months of working to repair the millions of dollars in damages that you, Kirley, Lashlee, Baker, etc. inflicted upon the GGC farm, buildings, and land, from October 2014 through April 2015. Of course, the entire time, you were colluding with the Del Real family, whom as you know, have carried out a long list of crimes against myself, GGC and our good and honest clients…meaning that you seem too have done so as well.

Feel free to follow this account. We will be posting quite a lot.

LOL…we'll be debunking the lies of that website shortly Berwick, as we will with 1-2 other sources of information that you have your dirty paws on.

Yes, follow this sociopathic fraudsters account while he posts BS. Check out who Ken Johnson is here:

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