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RE: Pay your taxes with Bitcoin!

in #taxes7 years ago

This isnt a rant. just politly passing on some information. Much Love jawilder!

Look at it from a different angle.
Your living the life of a slave. To a government that extorts money from you. You do it willingly and with pride. Which is a classic example of Stockholm syndrome.

"I'm a tax payer!" or"I'm Law abiding"That actually means. "I'm an extortion victim!"I'm a Rule Follower. Doesn't mean your a good person at all.(generally speaking) It just means you do as your told . Like a good slave.

All government and regulations are going to be a relic of the past. Everything will be blockchain. For now. Fear will keep you paying taxes. The fear of punishment for not paying their extortion fees.(aka taxes) Just be aware there are opportunities to break free now!

Block chain everything!

No I don't know how to block chain everything. I also know that "how" doesn't matter. Pandora's block chain is opened and it can't go back in. True freedom is now for some, and coming soon for all.

Do research on this an you will see.



I am libertarian just as much as the next guy and I understand your point of view very well. While I would love to just jump into crypto acting as legal tender (and not subject to capital gains tax) I'm looking at it from the point of view that government being a major threat to the space . The gov is ITCHING for any reason to label this a bad thing and to regulate the hell out of this market. In these early days the last thing we need is a bunch of people evading taxes giving them that opportunity they are waiting for. While they technically can't do anything to the block chain in reality it will scare new money from entering the space; this, slowing ts adoption massively. .. and yes, taxes are extortion...and yes, people pay it out of fear (including myself)... but as the tax code is written currently I do not see any legitimate way around it.

Government has used intricate wording and outright lies to keep you paying. There are loopholes in any system. I have found a few. Im sure many otheres have aswell. I'm happy your "aware" as you state. I posted part of conversation we have had. Here is a response to our conversation.

"Taxation is theft! the government are thieves! Blockchain will save us - Blockchain is an open ledger system with credits not backed by the US government - therefore they have no claim on my cryptocurrency any more than they have claim on my monopoly winnings....

Im definatly not the only one and neither are you. If you pay anything to the government for you bitcoin your volunteering to doing so. You are not bound to do so at anytime. I hope you can summon the courage to make moves against your government by not supporting it and developing alternatives.

I'm glad we are able to have a civil discussion about this even though we have differing perspectives. And I am glad someone agrees with you; but to say the government "has no claim on my cryptos" is a statement that will never stand up in a court of law or the IRS code. It does not matter that it is not backed by the US government; neither is gold, it is still categorized as a asset subject to capital gains. Go ask your tax professional.

But perhaps I may have sent a confusing message; allow me to clarify. I am not disagreeing with you. I am a fan of small gov. I am a fan of free market. I hate seeing my pay check cut in half from taxes. In an ideal world I would love to not pay and do what ever the hell I want. With that said, try to see it from my point of view. From a cost benefit analysis perspective, the potential consequences (in my opinion) out weigh the benefits. If I don't pay taxes everything could be fine, but I may also have to go to jail or pay backed taxes (I hear jail is not a good place to go).

LoL Ah yes! Good stuff! You have good points.
I'm dreaming big with blockchain.
I'm Imagining a world. Soon! Decentralized by the technology. We govern ourselves. Create something better. Then everyone just leaves the old one. No need for revolution with blockchain and similair or new technologies. We just build a better system. EOS and IOTA's Tangle are very interesting. Steemit is a great example of how blockchain can empower social media users and bloggers. Then there is D tube. I could go on with the machine economy that IOTA could/will create. The world is going to change fast. Foresight during this time could mean the difference between taxing yourself to death and opting for something decentralized. I and other's like me. Think it's starting now. It will also grow rapidly. Maybe I'm being too optimistic. What do you think?

I agree with you; however, I don't think its user friendly enough to be mass adopted yet. You and I get it... however, there is no chance in hell that my grandma can use crypto (I don't think she ever will). I think the most (but not all) decentralized systems are great. The user interfaces definitely need to be simplified for the computer illiterate. But yes, seeing governments legalize BTC as tender (Japan and Australia) and use ETH to tokenize systems (Singapore, Russia and China) clearly shows that this is the way of the future.

I like to say, its not sexy Yet. Just like the internet! Look at the changes on the net. Grandma probably doesn't use the internet much either. But I hear that overall point. I worry for the older generation. Baby boomers and older who are not technically inclined. I think they will be left with worthless fiat and no clue. Probably still paying taxes to a dead system. I'm hoping to teach old dogs new tricks. So Grandma and Grandpa can retire or stay retired. Can't even begin to have the tax debate with that demographic. lol

Yea, its a lost cause. And the majority of 40s-50s are way too proud to listen to someone younger than them. I tell them to buy some crypto. But they laugh and ask what stores accept bitcoin. By the time most stores accept bit coin the wealth transfer will be well under way. SMH.

I couldn't agree more! I have very similar experiences. Its too bad we cant teach all those old dogs. New tricks!