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RE: Valuing Steem Rewards As Taxable Income Is A Vast Overstatement Of Tax Liability - Part 1

in #taxes7 years ago

Sorry to be so blunt, but... Fuck the IRS, leave the US. and go to some more reasonable country, you have Mexico right next to you.


if you do not live in USA but you are US citizen you are still obligated to pay Taxes in USA on money you make in other countries

You are obliged to, yes. However, the IRS has no ability to check on your earnings when you're away. You can just tell them that you're a hobo and have no income. So just leave and go to a proper soveirgn nation, not some that's dependent on the US.

In some countries they do - they can look into your bank accounts in some countries - you be surprised

Renounce your Citizenship. TAXATION IS THEFT. Complying with criminals makes you a criminal also. You gotta be blinded by all the propaganda to not realize you are being robbed by criminals who also kill innocent people and are behind the greatest cause of violence in our world.

Well, I admit it is a little extreme to renounce your citizenship but my point is that if its possible to do so without any implications then it is good to keep the thought in mind. Some people have learned to travel the world with almost no money at all, and I think that's really cool ultimately we should have the right to walk anywhere we want but governments and borders are there to divide us as a race so that we never rise up against the cabal together. It is essential to keep the world divided thus the wars and religions

governments, borders and religions are there to divide us I had to ad religions since they are the cause of all wars

" if its possible to do so without any implications" -- its not. There is always a government that will say you owe them money, your philosophical arguments will not save you.

not a great idea to renounce citizenship. No matter where you live there are taxes - pay offs, bribes, paying for protection


Think the US is bad? Go live in a third-world country for a few years. Begin to understand the degree of chaos and corruption there. Then, come back and tell us how bad we have it. Ha.

Just the US and Eritrea tax their citizens this way. It's bloody insane.

Huh. I've never seen coercion spelled that way.

I can't argue with your logic. I have a job that, despite being online, will terminate me if I leave the US. For the moment, a cost/benefit analysis seems to require me to stay.

Try to hold on for a while, make some savings and get out of there soon. I've been there once and it's just scary how brainwashed many are there. Good luck.

Thank you for the kind words! I am working on exactly that, and I hope Steemit can help!

I hope fondly to follow this wonderful poster into an island paradise:

The IRS is a scam because they use deceit (technically fraud) to manufacture consent. When you attempt to circumvent the fraud by educating yourself, the IRS will resort to threats of violence to force consent (coercion and extortion). Thus, they are no better than mafia gangsters. But, rather than leave your country, you can leave the farm, so to speak. The term "US" refers only to the 75 square mile area of Washington D.C.. The term "employee" refers only to one's status as an employee of the "US" - not an employee of the company for whom you work. So, do not declare yourself to be an employee or resident of the US and you have no tax liability. The other option is to demand "lawful money" in exchange for your "legal tender." That remedy works.

have you tried it? many have tried and now rest 6 feet under. What is upsetting is that these things exist only as long as people comply with them. If there was a national never pay irs again day and the majority participated, that would be the end of the racket

Yes, I have used the lawful money remedy and I have read that many other have as well. I have never heard from the IRS since using lawful money. The problem with the other methods is that people don't understand WHERE they are becoming parties to a contract with the IRS. Anytime you use a SSN or most businesses connected to money, you are entering into a defacto contract with the IRS. So, if you try to leave this contract after the fact, they will grind you to a fine paste. Contract is LAW. It is the only law in existence now. As you say, the real problem is that people's compliance give the scam life. Most people are too lazy and unable to group together in meaningful ways to bring real change. Take gay marriage for bad example. What did they gain? The "right" to a piece of paper from the government. Some tax breaks. There are easier ways to get married and there are easier ways to get a tax break without involving the government. And what has changed? Everybody is still in the same prison of the mind. Deeper in fact.

please do some posts on this ! interesting stuff. you have tested it and it worked I would like to learn more
I just saw what Ken Okeefe is trying to do. check him out on youtube

I do not advocate listening to to anybody - including myself - on this subject. You must read and understand contract law, federal "code" and IRS "code" and the relevant definitions. MUCH of US code is built on ignorance of the true definitions of words and the impact of implied contracts. Nobody can help you or save you. You must help and save yourself. That is the real price of freedom.

you can watch Aaron Russo's documentary : America from freedom to facism
According to it there are millions of Americans that do not file for the income tax
I think it's mostly the public figures like William Cooper that get offed

They absolutely ARE mafia/gangsters.

That kind of argument is from the tax protest movement of the 1990s. I know because I watched them with great interest and even attended their meetings. You would do well to get better legal counsel.

As much as I agree what is the strategy for maximizing tax avoidance? It still seems damn near impossible to do so properly.

Sorry to burst your bubble but simply leaving doesn't remove your tax burden.

The US is one of 2 countries (as far as I know) on the planet who taxes their citizens regardless of where they happen to reside.

There is the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (your first $101,300/year in 2016) if you can prove residence and income source somewhere else but you still gotta pay Soc Sec.

If you want to renounce your citizenship, there's a monetary penalty to that too and you had better have a residency visa somewhere else first, at most, you're lucky to get the first 90 days somewhere without needing a visa.

renouncing - you need to have a good security team and a plan to avoid assassination. Remember they are the military arm of the world gov and have tech that reach far and wide

You're not worth the cost of a bullet. They just want your money.

lol, it's not that bad. The average person is not worth the trouble.

maybe not now, but soon. It already costs nothing to exterminate populations. When you print money, you have no costs really. look at some examples of people who tried to get out of the system... waco, ruby ridge,the list goes on and on and 99% of the cases no one has ever heard of.

Citizenship in the corporate United States is based on Domicile. This is voluntary and can be changed at any time without paying a fee. If you were born in one of the 50 states of America then you become an American National who is not a US citizen. You can still maintain a USA passport this way. However, you must first renounce all US franchises (medicare, medicaid, ebt, social security, etc.)

have you done this or known anyone who has and is still alive?

I have been able to live in other countries while completely ignoring anything to do with the US. I haven't cared to look into anything at all, I am comfortably oblivious and I feel no need to report back to criminals what is none of their business. Sadly this may only be true for me because I have citizenship in other countries, while one who is purely a US Citizen may find a different experience and I can't speak for them. Perhaps I have missed another factor which is that I have is that I never once worked in the US until later so I never knew what taxes were and didn't care. This means that one can grow in another country and forget about the theft of taxation, what are they going to tax you for if you have no business with them? Maybe that is the key here, to cancel all agreements and all businesses you may have before leaving the country. In any case one should really inform themselves as much as they can regarding how inextricably evil laws are weaved like webs in order to enslave people, rob them so that they can perpetuate all the evil they do around the world. Here is a really good website for starters

Thank you

Oh I'm sorry I just realized the website is down ! I didn't know . They do provide some good links there though im sorry if it seems scattered. Here is a good place to start

No problem, I hope you like the website. It helped me feel liberated when I got into it I hope it helps you too

Yes, I changed my domicile to outside the US and gave back my SS#. I have now been effectively blacklisted from all corporations. When HR does a background check on a new hire they use the SS# as the the key for the history search. Not giving them a SS# is a red flag. Then the corporate lawyers get involved and block HR from hiring you. Even private companies where you know the owner and he/she is sympathetic to what you have done will generally not hire you or pay you as a consultant because their accountant doesn't know how to deal with it and is afraid of the IRS.

Changing your domicile and giving back your SS# is only for someone who is willing to take full responsibility for their existence on this Earth at all times, provide for themselves and confront fraud, lies, hypocrisy, etc. at all times. It is not for the faint of heart.

we need to hear more from you! I encourage you to share more of your story!

I'm with you on this one Bro!

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