Bitcoin is not Traceable

in #taxes6 years ago (edited)


We keep getting told over and over that Bitcoin is not as anonymous as we once thought. It's totally traceable! LOL, yeah right. That's what they want you to think. Only the act of turning crypto into fiat is traceable, and even then not so much. You can buy crypto anonymously and you can sell crypto anonymously. It isn't easy, but it is very doable. In the future it will only become more trivial as decentralization spreads.

Obviously, if you pay for a package with Bitcoin and then you have it shipped to your address with your name on it, then someone will assume that wallet belongs to you. Still, it's not a guarantee, and the police would have to raid your house and physically find your private key to prove you owned an account. That is the only way to prove someone owns a Bitcoin wallet; possession is nine tenths of the law.

What do you make of articles like this? OMG! Someone with a 720 million dollars worth of Bitcoin just became active!?!?! Are they going to tank the market? Should we sell? Oh, here's an idea: just trace the wallet, because that is so easy. NOT!

This person isn't even trying to hide. Is that Bitcoin being tumbled around into 1000 other wallets? No. It's just sitting there. If we can't figure out who owns a wallet this large then how is Bitcoin possibly traceable? Why don't we know who hacked Mt. Gox and every other exchange that's been hacked?

Seriously guys, think about it. No one has been caught. They like to point to Ross Ulbricht as the poster boy for proving that Bitcoin is traceable. Do you know how many man hours went into bringing down Silk-Road only to have another pop up instantly? Thousands. On top of that shit show they produced fabricated evidence and one of the officers involved was actually convicted of stealing Bitcoin from the scene. Mind blowing.

It takes a lot of effort to track Bitcoin, and in the end it's only possible to do if the owner of the wallet makes a mistake that allows them to be tracked. This is why the whole 12 Russian hackers indictment story is an absolute sham. So, let me get this straight, we caught not 1, but 12 hackers linked through Bitcoin? Hm, yeah sure. So who hacked Mt. Gox, geniuses?

It makes clear the attack was coordinated and run by the Russian military, the hacking team commonly known by the moniker Fancy Bear...

Yes, the Russian military funded an attack with a hacking team called Fancy Bear. Not only that, they didn't give them fake identities and the hacking team was so incompetent that they were all linked to each other and all got caught at the same time. Such unbelievable bull shit.

They were even learning along the way; Mueller’s indictment points to evidence of hackers researching their techniques and commands in real time as the attacks unfolded.

Haha. Yes, the military strike team Fancy Bear was populated by hacker noobs who had to look up their attack commands on Google. It's almost like this fabricated story is a big joke to anyone who can read between the lines. Statistically, they know that 90% of the population is going to eat this shit up and love it no matter what they say. Truly baffling.

Now that we all know how hard Bitcoin is to trace, just think about how much harder it is to trace privacy coins like Monero. Seriously though, not going to happen. The Secret Service has already admitted it.

So why does the establishment perpetuate these falsities? Because they know that they can't stop this train forever, and when it hits mainstream adoption like a ton of bricks they want everyone to be good and scared of them so that they remain in power. Pay your taxes folks. The IRS doesn't fuck around.

Truth be told, you should be afraid. These people aren't going to go quietly into the night. Their death rattles will strike out all across the globe.


That's great news for my smuggling enterprise.

Posted using Partiko Android

Don't be one of those, "I have nothing to hide," people. Innocent/good citizens get persecuted all the time. The point of this piece is that we are being blatantly lied to on a daily basis.

And don't forget how dangerous it is to travel with actual fiat money in your car. The fucking government can seize it because they deem it suspicious for anyone to travel with money.
I would rather travel with a bitcoin wallet anyday. Fuck them.

I dont buy it for a second that it is traceable, how can anyone track say a nano s wallet that sits in my kitchen cupboard? they simply can not, and when someone sends me btc, ripple xrp or any other coin, my wallet is only online for a few seconds, good luck with tracking that.

It is the good news (pump the price) bad news (get people to dump) I take zero notice of all of it to be fair, superb article by the by.

Exactly, you would have to engage in a Know Your Customer service in order for your wallet to be connected to your identity.

That's why I stay away from crypto+kyc thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good! It should not be.

Posted using Partiko Android

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Great post thank you for the analysis. There are many false stories being put out by the media because they dont understand crypto.
I like your content so im following you.

In the future, we will have crypto exchanged that will be completely transparent, and the payment completely recorded. Both parties known.

Or, the parties can be completely unknown, the payment unknown, everything unknown.

Or anything in between.

Smart contracts are going to be so seemless and easy to use.
Automic swaps: give any coin you want, get any coin you want.
Makes anonomyzers really easy to write.

The trickier part will be getting real life, verified identities that can't be stolen.

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