Property Tax IS the Most Evil Tax of Our Time

in #taxes7 years ago


Property tax is the most evil tax of our time.

Long ago, it used to be that wealth was strongly tied to the land. People of that time weren't charged so much a tax on land, but a tax on what they raised on that land. Ten percent of what you raised/grew that year.

Today, only a very few people actually use their land to produce wealth, but we are still charged a tax as if we do.

Even worse, we are taxed the same whether we had a good crop or a bad crop or even if we were unable to sell any of it.

Property tax today is a tax on living. If you are breathing and not living under a bridge, you owe the govern-cement money. Think about that. You want to stay warm and dry, so you have to pay the govern-cement rent each year or they will kick you out on the street.

Even worse, the cost of housing goes up every year. And the govern-cements are quick to capitalize on this and raise everyone's property tax. And this just squeezes everyone a little more. But, what is truly evil about this is that this rise in housing cost is almost entirely the fault of the banks. (Remember, our govern-cement is just an extension of the central bank)

Housing Prices increase as Terms decrease
Since most people have a mortgage, and think (have been brainwashed) that a mortgage is fine and that it is normal, the actual value of the house is based on a computation of how much you can pay each month. That amount each month that you can afford, along with the interst rate equates to the price of the house you can afford. And that, in aggregate determines the price of the housing market.

When banks went from 5 year loans, to 15 year loans, to 30 year loans each step made the price of houses go up. Every time they lowered the interest rate, the price of houses went up. And each time the lowered the down payment requirement, the price of houses went up. All the baby boomers thought it was great, the houses they bought for a low price, are now worth 100s of times more. What's not to like? Except that pesky property tax went up a 100 times too. (and the millenial generation is now almost completely priced out of home ownership.)

The beginning of property tax in america is even worse. While we were all fighting for our freedom from taxation, a faction of what would become The US govern-cement was urging states to adopt a property tax. So, many soldiers who fought the British returned home to find their homes being foreclosed on due to having not paid their property taxes.

To sum up, property taxes would be an appropriate tax if the govern-cement accepted as payment part of what we produced on that property. But today, it is just a tax on having a comfortable place to sleep.
All images in this post are my own original creations.

Yep it's disgraceful that your real property is NEVER actually paid off- that's because the Queen of England owns it- you don't pay the leasing taxes and they come and take it away and sell it to someone that will. For those who think that's an absurd notion go study history- start with keyword 'The Virginia Company' and maybe 'The London Company' - the United States was an investment that has paid the British Crown handsome rewards for CENTURIES.

The tax on home equity is incredibly confiscatory where I live (Texas). In my county if you own a $300,000 house and have 20% equity ($60K), your taxes can be as much as $9k a year. That amounts to a 15% tax on your home equity. A fifteen percent tax on an asset-a penalty for simply owning something. And God forbid if you want to fix up your house or add an addition--there is a built-in penalty. Your taxes will go up. And of course, if you do not pay, the tax collector will eventually show up at your house with guns to drive you out. So, who owns the house, exactly? And they call the US a free country . . . .

wow thats crazy lol

Taxation is nothing more or less than another word for theft and robbery.

All taxation is evil, but I couldn't agree more that taxing and ultimately stealing the home where you live is a particularly egregious manifestation of that evil.

The state is an evil beast and ought to be universally despised.



The strength of your property rights can be rated by how high your property tax is. Chile has the strongest property rights of any economically strong country. If you farm your land you pay zero property tax in Chile. Idaho and Montana have low property tax if it is over 20 acres and is in farm or timber status.

Property tax in San Diego is SUPER HIGH! It has stopped me at this point from looking for a house in San Diego County. Its a shame. On a .5M home, its $450.00 per month...

I agree. And for the most part, the property taxes stayed high even when property values fell.
See my previous post about my thoughts on future property values.

dude... while i do not agree with most of our government's taxes and fees, i got to say you are way off base on property taxes for the most part. I'm sure there are some places in the country where the property taxes are higher than average, but they're still relatively low in accordance to other taxes out there.. sales taxes average about 7.8% across the nation, Property taxes in general run about 1.78% on average across the country.. i mean hell man, if you can afford to buy that million dollar home, paying 10-17k in property tax is cake.... but lets just go with the avg. median home price which is somewhere around 180K , even if the tax was high @2% it would only be 3600 a yr. still low compared to the tax you would pay for buying a 180k sportscar@ 7% sales tax... sure if you extend the 2% out over say fourty years then it looks like a lot.... but that is simply the price of being a land owner, you have to pay those property taxes for things like : fire and rescue, police, education, road improvements, parks and recreation, public libraries, etc.. there are a lot of things that property tax goes to pay for. if you don't like it, then don't become a land owner, rent from a land owner instead....i'm sure he won't mind paying those taxes ,lol...

Taxation is theft.

On property tax, there is no such things as "being a land owner", you pay property tax if you have a comfortable place to sleep. If you pay rent, you pay the property tax indirectly.

And the prices you stated are equivalent to two months rent/mortgage.
It is not cheap by any means.

being that you can directly will the land to your descendant i will consider that ownership... and i said cheap in relation to other forms of taxation... such as sales, income, etc... and let me see if i understand this correctly, so basically you are bitching about something you pay, regardless of ownership or renting.....and you cannot change?? sounds like the best way to offset those taxes is to make the land pay for itself....

Tax on production may be a bit more palatable, but it is still extortion. It still means a person does not own the means of production.

Yes, I agree, taxes are theft.
I am just pointing out that the oldest of the taxes, the one most people just accept, is now:
you are taxed on a place to sleep.

Agreed. I hope to see a concerted effort to abolish property taxes. The way police and schools are going, it seems like a good time to start selling the idea.

I agree. In this day and age it almost seems better just to rent then to pay $4,000 in taxes for a year and have the responsibility of Maintenance of your home.

To make it even worse over 50% in our area goes to the public indoctrination system. Our house is paid off but we are paying $350/"rent".
Not to deride them but the tiny house movement is probably going to end up as the only house younger people can buy. And even then they will probably pay high property tax.


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