No tax plan could save the US economy. End the Federal Reserve.

No tax plan could save the US economy. End the Federal Reserve.

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There is no tax plan President Trump nor any other President could possibly offer us that would save the US Economy from the self destruction it has set itself up for. So long as we live in a country ruled by a Private Federal Reserve Bank, the debt will continue to increase.

US National (Fake) Debt:

The US is now over 20 Trillion in debt to the Fed, that's trillion with a T. I say we collectively tell the bank to get screwed and the debt is fake. I say we #EndTheFed.

So long as the Fed exists, there is not a tax plan under the Sun that could possible save us from this collapsing ponzy scheme called the Federal Reserve.

My plan to end the fed:

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Taxation is Theft.

The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional monopoly...

Charles Lindbergh states the Fed will create depressions and booms int he market to benefit themselves:

Image Credit:

  1. You Must Comply: Source
  2. Andrew Jackson: Source
  3. Charles Lindbergh: Source
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The only way to save what's left of the US dollar is to end the Federal Reserves control of the US economy, even if some of the states would secede temporarily.

i just upvote you & you back upvote my post ....please

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