Breda Murphy - A Tasteem Review

in #tasteem6 years ago


Breda Murphy’s is a restaurant we got turned away from the previous month as we arrived without a booking.

This is not entirely a bad thing as it could be a quality venue that everyone wants to eat in.


With this in mind and armed with a booking we visited the in-demand restaurant the day after Valentines’ day.


As a blind date venue it would be suitable if you have deep pockets, read on.


It was dark when we arrived and not overly busy. I would have preferred this table than the crappy one we were given but sometimes I don’t think quickly enough in on the spot moments.



After ordering some drinks we were given these paper menus.


We needed to take care as there was a naked flame between us which could have resulted in a burning menu quite easily.


We settled for a shared starter of Chicken Liver Pate at £6.95 followed by Sirloin Steak for me at £21.50 and Fish of the day at the same price for my good lady.


The pate dish was quite small but once spread was lovely.

Pate was one of the things I missed most while living in the US, although @bozz tells me that it is readily available in the northern states.


@bingbabe’s fish which as I recall was Sea Bass came with some sauce and mussels as an accompaniment. She did finish it but I cannot attest to its quality as I didn’t try it.


She did rave over my steak telling me it was awesome. My review of it was simply good.


It does look the part but still cannot match the quality of those German cows, or even the Miller and Carter Steakhouses who I have reviewed previously.


I did like the cheesy chips; they did taste as good as they look.


The Service at Breda Murphy’s was good though @bingbabe had heard reports from others about snobby waiters.

I didn’t get any of that and felt they were friendly and accommodating.


A guitarist was crooning some old classics but I had to get up and find him as a large pillar was between us and him.


We finished with a couple of Crème Brule’s which were of the cold type.

If you have ever had one of these warmed up then you will know they are one hundred times better! Still they were good, and filled that small gap that was left.


There’s no doubt that Breda Murphy’s is a classy place. The atmosphere is serene though was had some noisy bastards take over this round table close to the end.


The clientele are mostly from the older generation, probably because the younger lot have no money and can’t afford to eat here!


Almost £80 for TWO people outside London is hideously expensive.

The food was good but not good enough for a revisit when it is in the price category.


Restaurant Information

Breda Murphy
41 Station Rd, Whalley, Clitheroe BB7 9RH, UK

Breda Murphy - A Tasteem Review
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Where to eat for my blind date?

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Another great blog from you! Great setting for a blind date with live music and food but does look pricey.

Interesting kind of retro looking place. Portions are smallish, but that is on par with high priced places it seems. I think I would pass on this one, but then again, I am cheap. Good review!

Portions will always seem small compared to the US, I have seen the food there haha! It is too expensive.. and I wont be going back.

Oh God, you Brits really are savages, who would put cheese on fries??? Here in Belgium you would get shot for such an act!

Just kidding of course, that steak of yours looked amazing and I also order the occasional cheesy fries when I'm abroad. Just don't tell my fellow country-men though ;-)

who would put cheese on fries???

It's not unusual here.. its very bad there...? how come!

The steak.. well yeah.. I was struggling with it a little.. @bingbabe is half my size and eats double what I do though.. so no problems there.

Cheesy fries... LOL.. I'll remember that one for Belgium.

It's just not done here, we really prefer the pure experiences of eating fries. Well, if you can call smothering them in mayo or beef stew pure :P

Well, if you can call smothering them in mayo or beef stew pure :P

Oh, yeah. That's pure all right. (What is the matter with you people??? Mayo on fries? Puh-leeze!! )

This looks like a really cool little place if not a bit pricey. Definitely not someplace I would go every week! I think it is interesting how a lot of the places over here are more open on the inside and a lot of the places you have reviewed have all kinds of nooks and crannies inside of them where they tuck away tables. Looking at the menu, I think I would have went with the pork fillet, though I probably would have skipped the black pudding. I think there was a miscommunication in your other post. Maybe a typo or something. I thought you were talking about Pasties. The only time I have ever had pate' is when a foreign exchange students parents sent him some for Christmas. We do have liverwurst though!

Ah yes.. pasties and pate.. similar words but very different items. I haven't really though about the 'nooks and crannies' as you mentioned.

People like their privacy here.. and our table was not that private in this case.

I wish I can hear something from the guitarist, and the atmosphere is really amazing for date, all the foods, I really love :D
bookmarked :D

Looks Pricey because the place is classy. :)

Looks great but as you say pricey!

Not so bad, then I realized it's in Brittish Pounds, 3.20 for water...

Yes, crazy prices.. and Im crazy eough to pay too.

I just get up and change my table if I don't like the one I'm at. Sometimes I tell them, sometimes I just move. I don't know why they show you to crappy tables if there are others available.
Glad to hear the food was good, unusually the menu didn't tempt me - too many ideas to take in. Or it could be because I've just eaten :)

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