Alexander's Bar & Kitchen - A Tasteem Review

in #tasteem5 years ago (edited)


One of the contractors I work with will be leaving shortly, so last week we set out for some drinks and a bite to eat in the market town of Skipton, North Yorkshire where I happen to work…, for the moment.

I am not a great drinker and when driving, a non-drinker but went along anyway on the provision that it would not turn into a pub crawl or coke crawl for me.


Alexander’s Bar & Kitchen was to be the only precursor to our meal and I was thankful for that.

The place does serve food but for the sake of this review that falls under the @tasteem category ‘Beverages with Friends’, this will be purely liquid talk.

As I failed to obtain a photograph of the outside of Alexander’s on the night we visited I took one a few days later. At least you can see the outside clearly as it is daytime.


On entering Alexander’s Bar & Kitchen I was struck with the layout and ambience. It reminded me more of a German bar than somewhere in North Yorkshire.


Besides us and a family eating the place was empty. Pubs are still struggling to make it in the UK with many closing every week and I feel they need to offer something other than just beer to survive.


This point came in my mind as the other guys were ordering their pints of ‘Goldies’.

What is Goldies?’, I asked them (It’s beer, no shit!).

Try it’, said another. I did and what a beer! Smooth, with a great after-taste.


The thing that sucked is that I was driving and won’t drink and drive.

I was curious about this beer so questioned the bartender.

Goldies is an exclusive beer and will be staying on tap until we can’t get it anymore’.

This is not the same as these other beers that are displayed on the back wall. They are all purchasable only for the limited time they are shown.


In a week or maybe two weeks, the one on the extreme left will fall off and they all move along one place to the left and another will replace the empty slot on the extreme right.


Wildbeer Millionaire Salted Caramel Stout' won't be available much longer and when it's gone it won't be coming back.

They all sounded really good, and I can't say I have tried a 'Salted Caramel Stout' before?

It’s a unique rotation system and may keep people coming back to try the new beers.


I know I’ll be back there just so I can savour a pint of that fantastic ‘Goldies’.

The barman recommended, ‘Delerium, Best Beer in the World’. At 7.5% it sure does have a kick and I have at least a few weeks before it slips off the left edge to give it a go.

It's not Saturday but I feel a story like this is worthy of the #beersaturday tag, so I will add it as an entry for @detlev's great beer writing incentive!

Restaurant Information

Alexander's Bar & Grill
4-6 High St, Skipton BD23 1JZ, UK

Alexander's Bar & Kitchen - A Tasteem Review
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Beverages with friends

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btw, it doesn't matter if you add about food, after you explain the drink.

The atmosphere of the place looks fun with a touch of something green.

We went on to eat at a different place, of which I was also going to @tasteem. I lost some of the photographs which is annoying, and if your out in a large group you get some looks when taking masses of photographs. Oh well, I have some other ones in the bag yet.

I have tried the wild beer salted caramel one! It's ok, but you get way better ones. The beer selection is good though. I saw two 'Magic Rock's, one is them was Dark Roots, I think. Top notch and the gamma ray from Beavertown is ok for a sesh beer.

See, beers can come to Yorkshire!

If it was only next door or something. I will always be driving when in Skipton, so the most I can have is a 'Schooner'. Do they have those in the wild highlands?

A Schooner... No, I don't think so, pray tell!!

It's not so new, shows how much I get to the pubs these days.

Oh!! I read about that!! You know I think it's a great thing. Sometimes at the pub I would love to have a smaller than a pint drink but a half pint always seemed too small!

Never heard of a Goldie but it looks delicious.

It was, I wish I could take some away with me!

That Goldies sound really interesting. I would love to be able to try it sometime. The rotating taps is something that we see pretty commonly here in the states. Michigan is a big craft beer state so there are always places highlighting local breweries.

What a lovely spot, I just love bars like this, the flooring was really nice too. Elegant and tasteful. Glad you liked the beer too!

Glad you liked the beer too!

I liked the taste I got which wasn't much, I will go back and have a proper drink someday. At least I'm aware of the place now and Goldies.

Salted Caramel Stout Beer? Oh my gosh, I have to get to this place! I can't imagine anything else that I would rather try! I wonder if I can get anything that is similar over here...

Love the review and you right there ... don't drink and drive. 😀

These actually look like fun and I really want to do a tasteem in the future! Glad you play it safe with the driving!

You should do one, its a great incentive.

wow this place looks fantastic and there is nothing better than fresh draft beer. a shame that you had to drive!

Love the exterior and interior design.

Never heard of 'Delerium' before. Would love to try and find out what's the taste like.

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