~FFF~ Let's Do Breakfast in Walla Walla, WA ~ The Maple Counter ~FoodFightFriday~

in #tasteem5 years ago (edited)


Welcome to the Food Fight Friday arena once again, where as long as it is about food it is flyin'! Since I missed my opportunity to do a Tasteem review last week I decided to redeem myself this week. Okay Okay, I am going to attempt to redeem myself how about that? I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself considering @foodfightfriday just got Appreciated after 68 weeks of Food Flyin’ chaos…Oh ya and people around the Steem-O-Sphere mentioned how I should show some more Local restaurants around Walla Walla, WA. So, I gave in and paid a visit to my favorite local breakfast joint. I believe in a past Food Fight I discussed this hometown favorite of many of the locals around here but we are goin' indulge a little further this time, just wait until you see what we ordered… So, let's get a little messy and see if we can't slip into a good food coma before 11 am... Ya we made it there around 10 ish so we got time.

Typically, it’s home cooking for the Splatts' in the morning. Even on the weekends we enjoy a big ol’ breakfast. But when it is Date Day Friday and the kids are at school, it's time for me to drag Mama-Splatts out to breakfast. Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration, I didn’t “drag” her. I demanded she join me for breakfast, no joke. I was like, "Woman!! (that’s a joke) I am taking you to breakfast this morning, no if's and's or but's!" No really, I did say that. She gave me that look like, "Uhh... Okaaay weirdo" Welcome to a morning at Splatts house, the kids are off to school and I have my usual Friday off work. Man 4 – 10-hour days is sure a nice work week. So ya, she went with me because she had no choice. Plus, she can’t hardly resist this place, that is if she has time to “get ready” women…. Okay enough of this forkin' around the kitchen let’s get going and head downtown to My favorite hometown Breakfast joint right here in the place so nice they named it twice Walla Walla, WA

The Maple Counter

Walla Walla, WA

Just south of Main Street in Walla Walla is Alder Street, head to the east end of Alder just past the Goodwill and on the Northeast corner of S. Colville & E. Alder Street lies my favorite breakfast joint of all time. Yes, I just now made that determination after a whole day of thinking about it. Honestly, I can't think of any other breakfast/lunch restaurant that I could seriously eat everything on the menu in one sitting. Oh, plus the locally roasted coffee they serve… lord have mercy it’s good! All those other chain restaurants that serve breakfast also server lunch and dinner. Not the Maple Counter, just breakfast and lunch is all you get here and that is all you will need. They close-up shop at 3 pm, which gives you plenty of time to get home unbutton that top button of your pants and kick your feet up and recover from a belly full of satisfaction just in time to fall asleep and head back The Maple Counter in the morning.


I would say there is room enough inside these awesome doors to fit around 100 people… 98 if you want some elbow room :wink:wink It’s a quiet quaint little place that serves up plates of food that will have you making those weird noises people make when they are eating good food. No not “Yum Yum” You know… those weird food lovin’ noises hehehe


After you make it through the big doors they already getcha… A Maple Counter Gift area… I am a sucker for this type of stuff especially when I love coming here. I was so tempted to buy this hat is was ridiculous!! It is Nice to be Nice and that is true… That got a big LOL out of Mama Splatts and I.


Then I saw the shirts for sale and wanted one of those also… then a sweatshirt… beanie…I will get one of those items on the way out, if I survive...


Alright enough of the gift and goodie section lets get into the menu shall we? Now remember this is a breakfast/lunch small restaurant but check out this menu!! You know you got your typical breakfast menu, burgers and salads for lunch yada yada yada… Wait there ain’t no yada yada yada* about this menu, go ahead take a look for yourself...


Ok so the past few times I have been here I ordered either the Corned Beef and Hash, Classic Eggs Benedict, or the Northwestern Eggs Benedict (@intothewild just posted his own version of this, how cool is that!!) So, go ahead take a look at the menu and tell me what you would order from The Maple Counter. Guess what, no response is a bad response…
Alright the decision is made… up until the waitress shows up and Mam-Splatts and I thought we knew what we were getting until we caught eye of something else on the menu. Good Lord help us, this might take a while… Jeopardy Soundtrack
After a refill on some locally roasted coffee from Kory’s Custom Brew, we think we are ready…


It’s go time!! I really try to order something different every time I go to a restaurant but often times when I find something good, I stick with it. Not today, I decided to go with the Eggs Nicole. I have no idea who Nicole is, but her eggs sound tasty. Page 1, left side, under “Stylish Egg Entrees

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Well by the looks of things I am in for it!! Now their plates are “huge” but they are filling, I can tell you that. I have never left this place hungry and don’t plan to today. Can you see it? The toasted croissant under that this layer of 3-eggs, onions, spinach, and swiss cheese? What about that side of their own unique hashbrowns? I have never had them like this anywhere else, and they are dang good!

That croissant added just the right texture to that dish. I honestly don’t think just plain toast would have done it justice. Then the hollandaise sauce to top it all off… you gotta be kidding me!! Ya, no they aren’t at all. No joking around here just dishing out food comas one plate at a time.

There are a few different kinds of Egg Benedict on their menu. Check Page 1, Right side, under Stylish Eggs Entrees for the list. They offer 5 different versions of Eggs Benedict and Mama Splats was going for the California Egg Benedict

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Now that is a sexy lookin’ stack of Eggs Benny goodness right there!! The green Avocado, rested on top of the tomato slice, smothered in that delicious hollandaise sauce. You would think Mama Splatts and I love hollandaise sauce or something. Well you aren’t wrong; I can tell you that.
Now this is where things got a little out of balance and caused a little confusion when ordering. If you go to Page 2 of the menu and go about halfway down on the right side under Common Fare you will see this…

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OMG!!! We have to get this!! I am typically not one for sweets, but I couldn’t possibly turn this down. We were second guessing whether to get a full order or just a half order. Well Mama Splatts made that decision really fast. I questioned the idea of just getting a half order so we don’t waste anything. (This conversation was taking place in front of the waitress by the way) Just another reason why I love this woman; her quick response was, “No, Whole order” When the waitress left with our order, we made eye contact and instantly started laughing. We both knew exactly what the other was laughing about. I love it when we connect like that, it reminds you why you are together. AHEM (throat clears) Anyways, this is what is looked like when it showed up at the table… and of course it was the first thing to show up!


So it is the first thing eaten… or should I say, devoured? Even the waitress noticed and couldn’t help but mention with a smile, “That must have been terrible” I responded, “Yep, it sure was*” Then Mama Splatts and I laughed at each other once again.

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As I look around the place after every savory bite, I notice something that gets me every time. No not the fact that on one wall is a few photos of sheep and on the opposite wall there are photos of foxes. I am sorry, I really am. I was so full and the wall with the photos of the foxes was within elbow smashing distance. I had all intentions of getting that photo but totally failed. But here is the Sheep wall…


And this weird serving bowl thing that looks like someone took a form of someone’s butt and put a handle in the crack… I really hope that Mama Splatts and I aren’t the only ones that see this. Of course it started out with me but she gets me :wink:wink

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Then, as I looked around the place, this triggered a quote from my favorite comedy.

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What’s Your Soup De Jour?

It’s the Soup of the Day

!soup de jour.gif

Alright so I guess the big question is, Was the food good? Are you kidding me? The food is always good and the service always great. Every time we have come here, the waiters and waitresses have been super nice and they don’t bug you what so ever. They always keep your coffee topped off and are happy to see you walk out with a full belly. They are in no hurry to kick you outta there.

i am telling you, after that amazing Blueberry Cobbler French Toast, I struggled to knock down the last few bites of my hash browns from my Eggs Nicole. I am just one of those that has a tough time not finishing a plate.


Mama Splatts decided to play it safe and take some of hers home. She said she would end up wanting to take a nap and slip into a food coma.


I swear I get tempted with everything!! Look what they got me with on the way to the register to pay for our meal… UM YA… I want one of those too, or maybe one of each.


Alright we are outta here, staggering on the edge of a food coma, yet still able to get a little selfie action in with the love of my life.


Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to check out a restaturant that should be on your list when you come to Walla Walla, WA. The Maple Counter never disappoints.

Until Next Time...

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Restaurant Information

The Maple Counter
209 E Alder St, Walla Walla, WA 99362, USA

~FFF~ Let's Do Breakfast in Walla Walla, WA ~ The Maple Counter ~FoodFightFriday~
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Your weekly choice

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Thank you for entering our <Your weekly choice > Contest . Thanks to @jlsplatts, Tasteem has become a more attractive guide. We upvote your post, wish you the best of luck in winning our Contest!

Duuuudeeee… that blueberry French toast whipped cream powder sugar everything looks so damn good. Good order!!! I think I would have been tempted by that mocha on the way out too but then would have thought back about the butthole tray and remembered that coffee makes me poop so better off without it 🤷🏼‍♀️ Haha. Happy food fight @jlsplatts. Nice to see again Sir!

I don’t know why we don’t visit this place more often. It is just so frikkin good every time we go. Maybe next weekend we will take the kids. My wife reminded me that they have never been there. Welp looks like we will be heading back real soon. Maybe I will try lunch there and check out their Rueben Sandwich. :drool:drool

DAHAHAHA. Hey a good coffee flush never hurt nobody, well maybe their noses a bit. Peee-U Got Dang!!

Glad to see you making some rounds around this place. It’s always a pleasure.

Why did I read your “pee-u” line in your dancing hotdog voice? 🤦🏼‍♀️

Because u is crazeee, dat Y

Ummm why do you guys not have Snapchat??? You are killing me here. We have a family Snapchat group. With one click my snap goes to the whole family. 😉

Not another app… I just can’t do it. Come to think of it u downloaded Snapchat for filters a couple years ago and may still have it on my phone. Definitely don’t know how to work it though 🤔

Now is the time!!! I just send dandays a funny one on WhatsApp created with Snapchat.

He loves them!

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 69
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

Hey @jlsplatts, here is a little bit of BEER from @foodfightfriday for you. Enjoy it!

What a great morning you guys had. I have to tell you @jlsplatts, you can EAT/WOOF...I'll take the blueberry cobble French toast and The eggs Nicole, this way I can have enough for lunch later. I love bringing home a goody bag.
Nice entry my friend.

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Ain’t the tasteem reviews great? It’s such a convenient excuse to have a date night, snap some images, and show the blockchain your city. Man, you’re funny. “No joke”....(that’s a joke) ha! Alright, I can already tell it’s gonna be one of those read, comment, read more, comment more, so I’ll be back.

Unbutton the top button? Does that mean i can’t wear sweats there? Ok, I’ll be back again.

My phone’s doing that thing again where it doesn’t capitalize the I, I hate it when it does that! I see you got the menu images straightened out <— I thought of that myself. I’ll be back again.

“Mam-Splatts?” See what I mean, even your typos are cool. Good thing that second M isn’t an N. Brb..

Yup! There’s that French toast, that thing looks sofa king bomb I think I woulda ate it even with the butter—Dang! What’s wit the leftover syrup? 🤔

A crack handle?! Lol!!!! I’m so tempted to drop the whole’fa king F bomb right here. Dude that’s funny.

Cool, it’s not just my phone that had a problem with the i I.

Great contender per euge, Splatts. You have a beautiful family my brother. Blessings to em all but why stop there? God bless us all the same. See you when you wake up, to anyone who may be reading this, don’t take that the wrong way. 👍🏿

Did you see the length of this response—crap! I got a grip more contender to tend to and I haven’t even began altering the contender yet. AND I say I’ll have to make the frikkin thing after it’s altered..... good things it’s Sunday.

Aahhh... food coma!
You always amazed me with your ability to clean up the plate nicely @jlsplatts 😂 whatabout the nice to be nice hats?
Oohh... okay.. you were there for foods!
Congratulations for getting out there safely😂

Shhhh don’t tell her I told you this but I think Mama-Splatts ate more of the blueberry cobbler French toast than I did. Shhhh

Oh trust me, I will be getting one of those hats. 😉😉

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