Another Gel pen Tarot Card


Its another Tarot Tuesday, and we have another card from my gel pen deck. The Hierophant.

'The Hierophant' is an external facing card, so we see the observers have our left right symbolism from our perspective, not the hierophant's. The hierophant is facing us, the crowd, to use his powers of speech to affect the world that is about himself. Behind him and also facing the crowd is a banner with greek philosophical principles. These principles are essential for commanding the powers of logic, reason, and wisdom, essential when commanding through speech and thought. On the hierophant himself are representations of all of the chakras, which he has activated to summon his greatest inner power.

Hope you enjoy my gel pen deck!


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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

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