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RE: Tarot // The Difference Between the Major and Minor Arcana // My 3 Card Reading and Major Arcana Study Guide

in #tarottuesday6 years ago

wow! loved this post! I'm just learning the Rider-Waite-Smith Deck(I've been using a celtic fairy deck for like 5 years lol) this post is amazing for a new comer like me! I've resteemed in case anyone else out there is a newbie - but mostly for myself so I can take my time and read through the meanings to learn more <3 <3 DEFINITELY checking out your show as well!


Oooh the Celtic Fairy deck sounds nice!
Thanks for resteeming! I made a study guide for the minor arcana as well so I'll post that at some point too.
We will definitely be talking more about tarot during the show this week so hopefully you can make it!

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