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RE: Tarot Tuesday 4-10-2018 Edition

in #tarot6 years ago

Yes! I am glad you asked.

I can do a Rune reading without any Tarot cards. It would be like this but all Runes.

I can also do a reading that is primarily with Tarot cards with a Rune or two thrown in for support. Recent examples of that can be found here and here.

My readings (tools, style, etc.) differ depending on Querent, question, my intuitive response to the information being probed, etc. .... so I might even create or use an entirely different pattern or style that I have never used before.


Very cool! Just looked into your examples and I think I understand what you mean. I'm totally open to a combined or rune-focused reading, whichever you are drawn to. As for my query,

I am in the midst of a tumultuous, developmental time. Any guidance to help me balance being at peace in the chaos with staying connected to those who are part of the chaos. IE, not isolating myself or shutting them out to maintain my own homeostasis.

Does that make much sense?

That makes perfect sense; and a good description of an ordeal I am currently passing through.

Coming up! Should be posted sometime today or this week.

Here you go! This is a very personal topic for me and one of my main struggles in life... I keep putting myself in more and more challenging situations, too, lol. Over all, embracing solar energies helps me out a lot. Here is a link to the reading:

The reading actually is packed with a lot of information that I did not cover. It could have easily been much longer, but I got the basics in. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at aleph_tav_heh at protonmail.

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