Query 17 - Successful year for earning income?
Question for @Raizel
Will I have a successful year for earning income?

Summary advice based on what was cast: You really need to apply yourself to exert self control over negative distractions. Strongly align yourself with your purpose in life to minimize distractions.

Deviant Moon deck: Knight of Swords, Devil, Emperor
The answer to the question depends on the decisions you make on how you manage your time, energy, emotions and activity.
There is a duality present that the cards are picking up (ubiquitous to all of humanity; you are not alone in this one) of you being highly focused and being in proper command of your activities (Emperor), and you being distracted from being productive by phenomena that incites negative emotion within you (Knight of Swords, Devil.)
If your mind space spends too much time being consumed with negative matters that are futile to spend energy on, you decrease the odds of maximizing opportunity and financial gain for yourself; but this aspect acts like a sneaky little Devil that robs you of your time. It might also be the little things that adds up.
I will share a personal example of this phenomena that happened today: I just finished cleaning cat vomit off my kitchen table and other objects that got sprayed. It took me a total of twenty minutes to do this task, and really wanted to take a half hour break from what I was doing to clear the smell of cat vomit and cleaning reagents. I went out to the fire escape to meditate while letting the gentle breeze of the Spring and the life force of the City hit my face. I said a few personal mantras to clear my mind space, my mind then drifted off on how I was going to manage my tasks for the day, and I cleared all emotional/anxious blockages and made decisions to do x, y and z. This took a total of ten minutes, instead of the original 45 minutes I had allocated. Had I chosen to watch some TV as a way to press my internal reset button, I might have been pulled in to watch TV for a few hours and miss out on an event where I came across some interesting opportunities for my personal projects that I would have missed had I let the more addictive and enslaving aspects of 21st century living get to me.
The cards are saying that you will likely experience limitation if you over express your bondage to your weaker aspects that distract you from productivity (by the way, as I type this, I am also saying this to myself because this applies to me) So tame that sneaky little Devil.
Will you have a successful year for earning income? The probability looks 50/50; depending on how you manage your variables to optimize the achievement of your goals. You have an idea on the variables that may distract you from your goals... Manage accordingly so that you can properly express yourself as The Emperor, effectively managing your domain and maximize financial gain.
And here I am.. just surfing the blockchain. HELLO FUTURE BLOCKCHAIN ARCHAEOLOGISTS!!
What else would you like future blockchain archaeologists to know about you?
Excellent reading and very inspiring personal example!
Yes, Tarot being a solo venture I really do have to keep myself in line since I do not have a Boss to crack a whip. I have to do that myself, or consider hiring somebody to do so.
I agree- I have to keep my channel open and clear- through self-work-
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.
What is waiting for us?