Tarot Tuesday - July 31 - August 7, 2018 - Someone Is Walking Away and You Should Let Them

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

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Greetings earthlings and welcome to #TarotTuesday! I missed my regular post last week as this has been a trying time with so much going on in my life right now, but here I am this week with a message for you!

Let's get right into it, shall we?

"What will the theme of this week's energy be?"


The rune cast is called Inguz. Inguz is the rune representing the idea of a seed. In order for a seed to grow, something must be sacrificed - whether it be time, effort, or resources. This rune therefore introduces a new idea or action where we are being called to sacrifice something in order for something else to grow.

The first two cards I drew indicate that the theme of this week is about relationships as we see two people present here. Someone here has a bit of a dramatic flair and is being driven by a need to feel good at any cost. This week it appears that this person is deciding that they feel better leaving someone behind who is not showing much emotion outwardly. The person being left seems to know that the other is someone who is glib, lacking emotional depth and sincerity. Therefore, they have wisely decided to pull themselves out of any deep emotional expression or investment at this time. The person who is being walked away from is keeping their emotional composure but are coming off to this other person as tepid and so, the person walking away is off to experience emotional fulfillment elsewhere.

The next question I asked was,
"What is this energy going to look like?"



The person walking away is clearly and voluntarily entering into a dormant state, transforming their energy into one of inaction. They like the idea of sitting back, resting on their laurels, and are happy to take a load off. I feel this person's ego is a bit of a problem since they have a overinflated sense of self and think others should come to them - even if they aren't participating. They want the other person to emotionally surrender to them instead of working with the person being left behind to try to correct the emotional issue that is going on.


"What is the main motivation of the person walking away, why are they doing this?"


It appears that the person leaving the other behind is acting on impulse and aren't thinking seriously about what they are doing or the future consequences of their actions. I see that this person feels unsatisfied with how the other is making them feel and they aren't realizing that they are producing this reaction of emotional coolness by how they themselves are behaving. They don't like the tepid, lukewarm emotional response they are getting from the person they are dealing with so they are jumping in a new direction without a plan. What they are seeking is someone who will fawn over them and give to them emotionally while they take and don't give back. Seems a little unfair and lop-sided, wouldn't you say? The cards are whispering that this is mindless, pattern behavior at work. They are simply feeling instead of thinking...

The next question I asked was,
"What is the best course of action in dealing with the situation with this person who is walking away?"


It is time to keep your eyes open to the incoming pain that this person is trying to create with their absence. Keep your guard up and protect yourself so you aren't blindsided by the hurt this person's thoughtless actions are intended to cause.

The last question I asked was,
"If the advice given is taken, is this person gone for good or will they be back?"


It is clear that if the person being walked away from leaves this situation up in the air and doesn't react, they will get communication from the person who left. This communication might be anonymous or indirect in someway, however they will be back. Just know this and let them walk away without an argument or reaction, you'll be glad you did as there is no reason to get emotionally stirred up over their silly pattern behavior that will only disrupt your center if you allow it. If you react, you will show this person that their silliness actually works on you so don't play into their game and perpetuate this kind of dynamic since it's not how you want to interact with them in the first place.

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Lord Shiva - Cosmic Destroyer



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