Bi-Monthly Cards are Up. Pick one and have some fun! by Sunscape

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

Bi-Monthly Cards

Pick a card from the following to receive the
timely advice that your spirit/soul guides
would like to share with you.

  • Choose the card that feels right to you, number 1, 2 or number 3.
  • Choose before you scroll down to see what the cards have to say.
  • Enjoy this magical and fun way to see what spirit has to say to you.
  • This is purely for entertainment purposes only.
  • If you are drawn to a second card as well, then that would represent an underlying energetic movement working in your field as well. 

    This weeks reading is from the Card Deck

Native Spirit

by Denise Lynn

I will be sharing the information on each card
according to his/her interpretations found in the guidebook
that accompanies the deck, along with my own
intuitive thoughts on the card pulled. Enjoy!

Card 1


Card Meaning:

Take time for contemplation. Turn within. Connect with your ancestors. Incubate ideas. Mend relationships. Watch your dreams. Meditate. The answers are inside you waiting to be heard. It is time to create dreams for your future. This is a good time to fix anything broken in your home and your life. Forgive those people and situations that you've been dragging around for a while.

Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know:

Your Native Spirits guidance for you is to let you know that the medicine wheel, in the North direction, symbolizes the darkest time of night, the coldest part of winter, the dark of the moon. It also represents the elder time of life and even the time of endings. Pulling this card indicates that it's time to take a measure of your life.

Explore what is working and not working. What and whom do you need to release? It's also the time to make repairs in your physical environment, as well as make repairs to your body. Additionally, this is the time to begin to dream and make plans regarding your future. Your ancestors are close at this time; call on them. They want to help you.

The Journey:

Stand outdoors at night, facing north. Inhale the darkness. Sink into your own depth. In the stillness, ancient wisdom emerges.

If you have pulled this card you have probably been passing through a very tumultuous time. The energies of late have really been shaking many to the core of their beliefs, ideals and karmic (unfinished) issues that lay dormant in the subconscious of every human being. You are not alone as we traverse this difficult time. Know that you are loved, surrounded by legions of angels and helpers to assist you through it all. Stay strong and know that this is only a cycle that will soon be ending.

Card 2


Card Meaning:

Joy. Delight. Peaks of carefree abandon. Living wildly, magically, and free. Be open to the wonders of the Universe flooding into your life. Innocence and delight are abounding. Happiness is on its way!

Your native Spirit Wants You to Know:

Almost every indigenous culture recounts stories of fairies (often called "little People") and nature spiritis. Although some of the fairies act in protection of their wild lands and should be treated with care and respect, most often they bring blessings and delight to all in their realm. If this Nature Spirits card chooses you, then welcome to a well-spring of joy and magic. Beneath the surface, mystical interventions are occurring in your life. Relax. All is well.

The Journey:

Even taking a few moments of stillness in the natural world can help you attune to the world of the little people and nature spirits. If you see a small flash of light or a movement of a leaf on a windless day, these are often signs that the wee folk are near.

The magic of the faerie realm has been forgotten for way too long. The ancients knew how integrated their souls were with every single living thing upon the planet; that includes the water, the wind, and the trees too. We are all interconnected and dependent upon one another for your evolutionary journey back to total awareness of the "Oneness" we are all seeking. Enjoy the presence of each and every essence that surrounds you. Sit and be still and feel into that which you desire to connect with. Perhaps it is feeling one with the ocean as you float upon the water or maybe sitting with your back against a tall, strong tree to feel how deep it's rooted into the depths of Gaia.

Float upon the wind as it's gentle breezes flow across a beautiful meadow in your mind's eye. Isn't it wonderful to feel such freedom of movement? Can you imagine the oneness of the air gently touching the tops of the grasses and wildflowers making them dance in utter delight? That is the feeling of "Oneness!" Everything is a part of the whole, all one has to do is know it to be true. Enjoy a playful journey with all that surrounds you.

Card 3


Card Meaning:

Live larger than life. Make the most of every experience. You can choose the meaning that you give events. Find interpretations that empower you, rather than diminish you. Be the storyteller and the hero of your own life. Give your personal story empowering meanings.

Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know:

Around the evening campfire, clan members always looked forward to the storyteller recounting events of the daily happenings of the tribe. Even the most mundane event took on a vibrancy in the expert hands of an experienced storyteller. The Storyteller card chose you to remind you to be the champion of your own personal myth; be the central character. You can't live life according to the needs and expectations of others, so try not to be a bit player in your own story.

The Journey:

Take an event in your life that you gave a disempowering meaning and find a way to rescript it so that the interpretation of this same story is one in which you are the hero. You can go back and re-write your Akashic story so that the imprints of your life's journey have a more positive vibe going forth for generations to come. This is something that will also improve the overall vibration of the whole planet. So, go ahead, imagine some of your storylines being over-written in a more positive and favorable outcome! Have some fun with it! You are the creator of your own storylines. Blessed Be

This weeks Spirit Guidance


I hope you enjoyed this weeks card reading. I will continue to post weekly cards on Mondays using various decks to keep it interesting. I look forward to you following me for the weekly spirit guidance. Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you had fun and found inspiration today.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...

Sun. Scape. Ing your day

Homesteaders Co-op - Sunscapes Soap Shop
Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations
Etsy Store - Sunscape's Soap Shop


I. Initially was going to pick number 1 but then somehting told me to pick 3, which was interesting as in comments yesterday A couple of people mentioned dot me that I should write some posts about my experiences inthe field in some hazardous places, and i said I would give it some thought

I take this card coming up for me as another sign it is somehting i should work on

I would so agree, I am sure people would love to hear your stories. Also, if you felt number 1 also, that could be something else in your field at the moment Jay.

Thanks I will give it more thought and start jotting down thoughts with the idea of doing a post sometime, I went back and read number one again, and it had some relevance but not as much as the one i did end up picking ;)

Awesome Jay, only you can know what is exactly right for you at this moment. Have a wonderful week my friend, I will be off for a few days due to surgery tomorrow on my back. I will catch you soon. xoxoxo

good luck with the surgery and wishing you a full and speedy recovery :)

Thank you very much for your good wishes. xo♥

Most welcome

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Thank you so much for the vote and RS. I really appreciate the support.

You're very welcome, @sunscape!

I couldn't decide. After looking at the cards they look like past, present, and future for me.

I always enjoy these.

Hi Ginny, sometimes that is exactly how it is and I so resonate with that feeling this week. Thank you for confirming that for me as I felt all three for me this week. I did not think of past, present and future. Very intuitive of you!

I've been feeling like I'm in 'the middle' of a lot of things where I'm being forced to make decisions ~ Which for me are always difficult. So I came to see what your cards might reveal to me Wanda.

I selected the second card ~ Same as Jay: NATURE SPIRITS. And I'm so delighted to read that all I need do is: 'Be open to the wonders of the Universe flooding into my life. Innocence and delight are abounding. Happiness is on its way.'

And then this phrase is in such perfect accord with a photograph I'm about to share. I've been in the process of intuiting its meaning:

Beneath the surface, mystical interventions are occurring in your life. Relax. All is well.

Thank you for your Card Readings once again, Wanda. They ALWAYS give me a fresh insight into something that I've been needing to see. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎

You are most welcome Ally, I have to say that I have been the same way and this card really spoke to me too. I had back surgery a few days ago and am recovering at home now. I lay in bed drifting in and out of realms and I have to say that the underlying, "mystical interventions" are certainly at work, circulating, spiraling around us in such a wondrous way, that I wish I could somehow put to words. I have seen so much in my mind' eye while laying in bed that all I can ask is for understanding. I feel where you are right now. I am right there with you. Remember that we are in a number three year too, which always means that some sort of catalyst will bring change into our lives. Which then, opens new beginnings in a more profound and magical awareness of who we are and how we can express that to others as well. Love and compassion are foremost as you know already, and I am sure that something is about to break open for you. I am sure of it.

Awesome! I was just coming in to make sure you knew about #tarottuesday - and I see she's already commented! The more the merrier!

Hi viking-ventures, thank you for letting me know. love my tarot

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