Get a Tarot reading - Thoth tarot deck

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)

Upvote this post and leave a comment below. I will draw a card and reply to your comment.

More information below the picture...

I have studied tarot for around 15 years among other esoteric sciences and systems. I decided to see if people like this idea.

I need your upvote and a comment. In the comment you can ask a question that is on your mind and I will answer it to the best of my skill. Please do not ask yes/no questions. The question can be about the past, present or future.

If you do not have a specific question in mind you can just leave a random comment and I will give you a general answer based on the card I draw. In any case, you must leave a comment so I can reply.

I will look at your profile and try to connect to you before shuffling and drawing to ensure a proper reading.

For now it is just one card per person/upvote. If this idea catches wind, I will post another post like this with another tarot deck so you can get another card for your vote. Today I start with Aleister Crowley's Thoth deck.
I can also do larger, more profound and in-depth tarot readings, but they will cost steem.

If however you still insist on asking a yes/no question I can toss a magical coin for you in exchange for your vote/question.

Thank you for your interest.


Great idea! Although I'd like to donate my reading to someone else, as I can do my own :-)

I worked on a huge artwork about Tarot for 10 years back in the nineties. Actually wrote a post about it yesterday. My guess is, posting the link here would be considered spam, so I won't. But anyone interested can easily find it on my page.

I did my own version of the Major Arkana and will post all the cards eventually. Maybe we could cooperate somehow and you do readings with my deck...

17_der_stern04b Kopie.jpg

Thanks for the post! The next person will get 2 cards then^^

I have also began a project where I plan to paint all the 78 cards with oil colors on 24x30 cm panels. But I am still stuck at sketching. :D I am a somewhat perfectionist with inhumane expectations for my work. I decided to let my ideas ferment for a few more years.

It didn't come to my mind that I can put pictures in the comment section aswell! Pretty stupid of me heh. I will in the future post pictures of the cards I draw along with my interpretation. :)

And yes. I can do readings with your deck! That's a beautiful rendering of The Star und Deutsch is keine problem für mich. :)

Nice to find likeminded people! Sorry it took me a while to reply.

Hi... the only reason I use English is, that this is what most people understand and I don't have to post and comment in more than one language. Compliments on your German though :-)

Yes, adding a picture works just fine. I simply drag it into this field from an open explorer window. Friend told me to use that carefully though and only add something that fits the context. Otherwise it could be considered spam :-/

Yes, give the reading to another (nice) person.

It took me many years to do my cards and just as many to get ready to do them. Just acquiring the necessary knowledge can take a lifetime..

Good luck with your plans!

Thank you for donating your card. Riku gave me yours so I got two!

not sure I understand...??

You told Riku to share your tarot reading with someone else because you could do your own. She gave it to me.

Ah... understand. Sorry I didn't get that earlier. Enjoy!! :-)

Nice post,Thank you for sharing.

Thank you! This is what I got for you

Six of Swords.
You may have been travelling silently trough some heavier times in your life. This marks the end of it. There will be success after these darker trials. This does not mean transformation but rather a passage. You will succesfully cross some haunting deep waters in your life. You yourself must discover the way; remember to trust in it and the shore will appear in the horizon. This could apply to material, emotional or spiritual aspects of your life. "Science" is a word to describe this.

never thought reading tarots would be possible on the web in a platform like this
and that one day this kind of post would come out and that it would be possible to have a card be read for you in exchange of steem

btw, please don't read me a card I just replied on this comment to thank you for the upvote you gave my post tonight
thank you

May I suggest that you post an introduce yourself post with your pic holding that paper that says Steemit + date + your account name
and if you post your art works pics
i also suggest that you put that same paper beside it or sign your work
you can check out @opheliafu on how she does art posts
good luck on your journey here
I wish you a smooth one

Thank you for your kind words!
Also thanks for your tips and ideas. I gave them a lot of thought and agreed.

A very interesting idea ..........


I just took the deck in my hands and (while shuffling) looked through your soundpoems until I got to your introductory post. After that I stopped shuffling and sliced the deck in half. This is what I got:

The (High) Priestess

The merciful and loving mother who will protect his child. This is the female principle in religion and cosmology. This means passivity in physical/mechanical actions and gives way for the unconscious to rise.
You have an inner voice of vision and/or a psychic force that wants to emerge/get stronger. It rises from the dark and mysterious unknown and it will bring wisdom with it. Look within and do not fear the darkness. There is something that waits for your attention.

Thanks for your interest ;)

Thanks for this @rikusalomaki - It makes sense to me. My mantra for the last few months is "my inner self is guiding me through this physical existence"

I somehow had a feeling about exactly this :)

I've just become interested in Tarot. Intriguing post.
I am gathering artists for my Steemit creative tribe. Will be following you.

Thank you for your interest. I actually drew you 2 cards. You can thank @reinhard-schmid for the other one. He wanted me to give his card to someone else and I thought you are the perfect person to give it to. Here we go:

The Fool
I can see you have a naive interest towards the whole universe. You are at a crossroad in your life. You may have felt like that for a long time actually. It is either easy for you to do spontaneus and wild things, or it is required from you. This means that you must let go of too much thinking. Do not be too precautious. Take a blind leap of faith. You know the direction.

Wheel of Fortune
This is Samsara. Life will roll on. Be brave enough to be a fool and take a step further in your journey. You will find yourself accidentally in the middle of fortune. If there are troubling things in your life know that things will work out in the end. You cannot escape the wheel. You must throw aside your reason for now and foolishly jump into the vortex of your destiny.

Tarot is a truly rewarding system to study. It is great for introspection and general pondering. It gives you a connection to many aspects of life that you may not have considered before.
Regards. :) - Riku

Oh wow! Thanks to you and @reinhard-schmid
That reading is so spot on! I didn't post a question because I wanted to see randomly what showed up, but in my mind I posed a question and your answer seems to address it.
We have our farm on the market to sell and hopefully soon build near our kids. We continually ask ourselves if it is the right decision because we love where we are.
I will take those cards as a positive sign. That is kind of what my heart told me too.

The Fool always goes heart first. That is his strength and the Wheel of Fortune here gives heads up for that kind of behavior.
I always take a few minutes to connect with the person who I am reading to. I may not know the question but somehow the cards always seem to know the question. I had a really good feeling before I drew the cards.

Very interesting topic,

I spent a moment looking through your profile while shuffling. When I felt it was the right moment I stopped shuffling and got this:

The Nine of Disks
You seem to be self-aware and your life is productive and alive. You will be able to look back and know that you have made the right decisions. You have or will succeed to evolve. This is also a card of self-reliance and self-development.
You are going to the right direction or you may be on the verge of doing so.
Maybe you will learn something great about yourself and life in general. :)

Thank you for your interest!

Thank you very much for your time and effort. I can relate to this

You are very much welcome :)

Which of my paths is the most powerful one?

I'm sorry I have been busy and today I am leaving to Lapland for a week. I give honor to your question so I won't do it in haste. I shall give your answer after I get back home, maybe I'll draw the cards somewhere in the middle of wilderness when I find the most suitable place. Yes that's right, I must give you one or two extra cards to compensate for this delay. Thanks :)

Well, I guess you're on vacation. When you have time I appreciate if you could read for me a card. Travel safely!

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