My Artistic Blockage Question Oracle Card Reading with Angel Prayers Oracle Deck

in #tarot6 years ago

Recently, I've been having some artistic blockage.

Yes, quite normal for anyone getting back into creating, and not having done so for a long time.

I decided to get some oracle card guidance via the Angel Prayers oracle card deck by Kyle Gray.

Majority of the cards make sense, as it reaffirms that I continue to express my creativity and count my blessings.

The archangel that popped out come to support my efforts in reminding me to stay centered, balanced, and at peace ... that even with the artistic blockage ... that the way out is to simply remain in peace to be able to remove that obstacle and continue to create.

In any case, every night, I make sure that I write in my Gratitude journal, of what I'm grateful for during that one day ... and then since I'm doing the 5 x 55 affirmation writing, I write out my affirmation 5 times per day for the 55 day time period. This is so I align my energy with what I'm affirming.

Speaking of gratitude ... what are you grateful for?


I just posted about feeling uninspired and frankly downright depressed on my feed (check it out if you have time) but I’ve also been like within the past 2 days experienced amazing motivation and willpower. I’ve also begun a new spiritual path. I am saying more elaborate prayers and I’m calling on my angels, something I was unaware I could do being a non dem Christian growing up they didn’t really emphasize access to angels lol we’re too afraid to say anything “supernatural” was happening lol I’ll stop my ramblings! Hope you stop by!

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