Have you ever tried snake meat?

in #taiwan6 years ago (edited)

I am vegetarian now, but the time I lived in Taiwan i was not. This is a part of my life experience so I decided to share this post even now as it could be interesting for somebody

Chinese peolple eat snakes for health first. Snake meat, blood, liver and bile are kind of medicine. They believe it could treat bunch of diseases, but the most important thing is that it increases men's power.

The price for one portion of "snake bbq" is 300NT ($10), and you'll get 4 pieces of bones actually. The amount of meat doesn't worth its money

Usually eating a snake is a whole ceremony, but i was not interested in drinking snake blood or its poison, so just tried some grilled bones with a bit of meat on them.

That time I noticed all the taiwanese eat soup there, so next time I decided to try it, but believe me, it sucks. The taste of this watery broth is not that I expected, but i liked the meat. It's similar to grilled one, but here you can fill its real taste (something between fish and chicken). And the grilled one was caramelized, so there is actually no meat taste you can feel.

And have you ever tried snake meat or some other unusual food? Leave a comment!


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