SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #38

in #steemworld5 years ago (edited)


This post is intended to cover the server costs for and to enable me to continue my development in the future.

In case you missed the first part:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.

Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:
SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1


Posts Overview

I'm still working on the new overview and I must say that the result begins to satisfy me. The new bar above the posts where we can choose the number of visible posts and later switch between different view styles (list, miniature view and maybe more) will be worked on next.

The tab Finished now contains different filter and sorting capabilities. When switching to this tab for the first time, the limit will be set to Last 100 and the last 100 posts will be loaded:

In this case only 97 are being displayed, because 3 of the last 100 are still active. I will fix that behaviour in the coming days.

Initial view:

When we click on Last 250, the additional (150) posts will be loaded:

And the filter form will be updated:

As we see, after loading more posts there are also more filter buttons available (for example Year 2018), because we went further back in time.

The account I'm showing here (@kadna) has created 391 root posts (which are more than 250), therefore there is an additional button to load the last 1000 posts:

By changing the Sort Order to Ascending all posts and also the groups will be sorted accordingly:

The Filter Mode defines how the filter groups should be build. When we chose the mode Tag, the posts will be grouped by its contained tags:

To be continued ;)

Have a nice week!

In the making

   ( A )

  • Different views in the Posts Overview
  • Responsive Design for mobile devices
  • Starting a witness node
  • Post Viewer and Editor
  • Theme Builder
  • Steem Data Service (SDS)

   ( B )

  • Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
  • Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
  • Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)

   ( C )

  • RC costs calculation
  • More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts/comments, pie charts?, filters?)


Local (downloadable) SteemWorld Version

As I don't want SteemWorld's availability to be dependent on external providers decisions, I prepared a locally running version of the frontend that can be downloaded here from now on. I will keep that version up to date weekly, so that we always have a stable, local alternative available.

To run the local version, just download the zip file, extract it and double click on the 'steemworld.html' file. The site will as usual run in your browser, so it does not have access to your local machine (only to parts that your browser allows).

Of course, addons like KeyChain can also be used in there.
In order to use KeyChain in the local version there is currently no other way than hosting the site on a local HTTP server on port 1337.

EN  |  What is SteemWorld?
-> Welcome to!

DE  |  Was ist SteemWorld?
-> Willkommen auf!

My Mission

As I receive many requests for working on different other projects recently, I hereby want to make clear that I'm on a one-man-mission and I don't have time to work on any other things currently.

Thank you for supporting my work!

Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.

Much love,


Vielen Dank dass Du immer weiter machst 👍

and I must say that the result begins to satisfy me.

Das kann es auch!
Habe bereits gestern mit großen Augen ein wenig ausprobiert - mehr als zufriedenstellend, not only in the beginning ;-)
Schönes Wochenende,
LG, Chriddi

Thank you so much! Danke dir für all deine Ideen und Umsetzungen. Steemworld wird immer komplexer und immer unentbehrlicher! Deine Seite ist immer offen bei mir ;-) Danke und lieben Gruß in das !One-man-office" Kadna

I said it before, but I have to say it again : I would have left steemit long time ago without your tool! Thanks for the great great and yes, great job you're doing!
(And I do appreciate the little 'dust-votes' filter! Unbelievable how fast you were to implement that!)

wow, die filter sehen spannend aus :)) , da freue ich mich schon auf die forschung. bin gespannt ob ich dann jetzt mal was finde.

großartig, wie immer :)))


Hello, I found a little glitch (if it can be called that way).
@likwid service always send a single transaction in which there are 2 transfers (1 for SBD and 1 for STEEM). However, in Steemworld it only shows the STEEM tx.


Only after clicking on the tx hash we can see that the transaction actually includes also SBD transfer.


I made a temporary fix on SteemWorld (which is not perfect and could lead to duplicate operations in some cases) by building the index myself, but it should definitely be solved in the node's logic...

@tarazkp: There we are again ;)

Hallo @steemchiller,
die Filterfunktion für ältere Posts ist toll geworden. Danke.
Ein weiteres Filter für Accounts wäre schick, aber es funktioniert mit ein paar clicks mehr, ja auch so.
Eine Posting Übersichtsliste wäre gut und ist wohl mit den vorhandenen Filterfunktionen relativ "einfach :-)" zu realisieren.
ALLE Posts zu einem Account als HTML linkliste aufgeführt, um diese dann in das eigene CMS oder einen Steem Editor zu kopieren.
Womit Autoren das ganze Potential archivierter Artikel präsentieren können.

So ähnlich wie das für die letzten RSS feeds macht.

Naja, vielleicht eine brauchbare Anregung. Arbeit hast Du ja genug.
Gruß von tiblog

Und für das immer tolle Steemworld ENGAGEMENT hier noch einen Orden :-)


Danke dir für deinen Support. Und du hattest Recht. :-) Es wird schwer mit mehr Followern. :-)
Guten Sommer wünsche ich dir und nicht zu viel Arbeiten. :-)

Hey, @steemchiller.

Just wanted to say the sorting of finished posts is great. This makes steemworld the only place that you can easily find all of your posts in one place. If there were nothing else going on steemworld, that feature in and of itself would be worth using the site. But since there's so much more to use, the site just keeps getting more and more comprehensive.

Keep up the one man mission. :)

Thanks again for all you do for Steemit. I used to track all of this activity (well, not ALL. But voting, peep activities, etc) by hand in pencil. This is SO much easier, and nicer. And I can actually READ it a day or two later. So nice. (DDS Chickenscratch and all being what it is...)
Thanks for the hard work and effort you put in, and keep up the good works. Cheers

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 60700.74
ETH 2389.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.64