Age of Empires II: HD Edition - The Hunnic Hordes - Pt. 1steemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)



Hey guys, I'm ggteixeira, just a normal guy who enjoys playing games on his spare time including League of Legends, Arma 3, Age of Empires and Unturned. Today, myself and two other friends thought we'd try to play a match of Age of Empires 2: HD Edition with our own special settings. The three of us would band together onto one team while facing three independent AI players, all of them set as the Huns, and all of them set onto the hardest difficulty (In this game, the max difficulty is insane).

Before we start;

I'd like to give a brief description on Age of Empires 2: HD Edition. The game itself is a civilization-based strategy game where you start with nothing but a few villagers and try to build up your own civilization through whatever means possible as other players try to do the same. This can lead to great conflicts, political tension, and tons more as you try to make your way to the top.

Now, the story starts here as I try to rise the Spanish empire to great glory all the while trying to survive the evil barbaric Huns!


Before we get into any of the gameplay itself, I'd like to give a picture showing the game's settings, my two friends and I, and the civilizations we each chose to play.


As soon as the game started I hopped right into action chopping down the local forests for lumber, setting up a few farms to start providing food for my people, and constructing a few small homes to help support my soon-to-be growing populace. I also sent out my single scout to patrol and map my local surroundings for possible-further expansion and any possible enemy presence.


I quickly rushed my civilization into the feudal age, expanding my farms, and almost immediately walling off my territories just in case any raiders were nearby and wanted to attack. Luckily, I was left alone and development continued smoothly leading up to a surplus in my populace, construction of a local gold mine, and the completion of my great powerful wall.


With my village thriving, I decided expansion was my next best move. I furthered myself into the castle age, claiming the wilderness to the west, and constructing multiple barracks to train soldiers, a market for trade with far-away allies, a church to help spread the faith, and a university right beside it to begin my research into the sciences.


The gold mines I had setup earlier in the game were starting to come into use, as my civilizations treasuries were full with extra coin. Using this coin, I researched cartography, unlocking myself vision of my allies and an overall better grasp on the map and situation at hand.


Both my allies like myself were quickly expanding and establishing themselves onto the map. I asked if they had made any contact with the AI Huns, in which they replied stating that no contact was made. I was beginning to worry thinking that something had to be up, but later cast aside my worries thinking that the Huns were too busy fighting each other to attack us.


Eventually, after some mining in some local stone quarries I setup, I had gathered enough resources to construct a mighty fortress, my first castle. Here, I could begin training my special forces, I could finally startup the Spanish Inquisition.


I quickly began training up the first generation of Inquisitors. There weren't that many, as I didn't have much manpower to spare, but they were well armed with powerful muskets and mounted atop the finest steeds. This combination would make them a fast and strong mobile force to be reckoned with.


After gathering the first generation Inquisitors together, I swiftly dispatched them out to my kingdom's border bordering my allies, the Teutonic Knights, to help protect our very valuable trade route, my biggest source of income at the time.


Meanwhile back at my capital, a new batch of troops was being trained, a platoon of halberdiers. They were lightly-armed men-at-arms wielding the best polearms I could supply, the mighty halberd. Around the same time, news had come stating that one of the Hunnic warlords had been defeated.


Almost immediately after, the first wave of Hunnic soldiers was spotted raiding my Gothic allies to the south. I offered to send troops to help him deal with the situation, but he politely denied stating that there was no need, and that his town's guard force could handle it.


A few minutes later, he would come to regret the decision as an unseen horde of Hunnic cavalry swept across his town killing and destroying everyone and thing in their site.


I could not standby and watch as one of my only two allies was being destroyed. In a joint operations with the Teutonic Knights, I dispatched my Inquisitors to ride down south accompanied by a chapter of well-trained holy Teutonic Knights. On the outskirts of my allies' burning village, we were met with Hunnic resistance.


It was manageable at first. The Teutonic Knights acted as the frontline holding back the Hunnic charge whilst my inquisitors positioned themselves in the backline, volleying bullets over the Teutons and into the Huns. It was working perfectly at first, but then everything fell apart as a swarm of Hunnic cavalry flanked from the side.


Our troops were slaughtered. Not a single inquisitor or knight survived the onslaught. The spotlight was now on us, as the Hunnic horde pulled itself from my ally's destroyed Gothic village and began its advance towards the Teutonic Knight's border. He had villagers and workers positioned all over outside the safety of his walls, and if they weren't given time to retreat, they'd all be slaughtered by the Hunnic horde. I acted quickly, sending out my platoon of halberdiers to a single choke point where they valiantly fought till the very last man, buying my allies' villagers time to fall back behind their wall's safety.


Back at the safety of my capital, I had gathered together a small army of blade-wielding champions that would be sent out to the Teutonic capital to help mount the defense against the oncoming Hunnic siege.


Whilst the Huns were distracting fighting us, the Goths slowly began rebuilding and reestablishing themselves. They weren't out of the game just yet.


-=- To be continued. -=-

I'd like to as always thank everyone for reading and hope you all enjoyed the read. Whenever I have the time, I'll write up the second part of this two-part Age of Empires match series. If you have anything to say feel free to reply below, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! - Part 2 is out!


Well written and an interesting read. Sounds like you are struggling quite a bit though lol. Loved this game way back when the original was out. Look forward to part 2

Hahaa, I bought this in the steam sale the other day. So much nostalgia in one game. :)

Do you still play? If yes, think about joining this:

Steemleague - The 1st Age of Empires II HD tournament on STEEMIT is coming!

Did you sign up for the Age of Empires Remastered beta?

I Love Empires, and even more when I play with my friends... very funny, nice post

Yes!!! Age of Empires was my childhood game growing up! I love the concept of this game along with the Civ games. I like this post. Have you ever thought about making game play videos?

ok enough nostalgic, downloading again... xD yarrr lulululuul !!

prostacma, proseyeh, hipodromos, elfa,

I loved AOEmpire . strategy game

Well wrriten post, @ggteixeira ! I can tell that you put the effort in this and that you are enjoying playing. Age of Empires II have been one of my favourite games as a child and the HD version is very good and i do play it whenever i feel nostalgic.

I did what you mentioned in this awesome article on Stronghold Crusader. A friend and i used to play as Arabian lords facing 4 or 5 CPU (A.I) European Crusaders. We had a lot of fun doing this numerous times. That game and AOE II were my favourites along with maybe Rise of Nations. Whare is your opinion on these games ?

Again, beautiful article about a game i love, i upvoted,resteemed and i will follow your blog from now on. Looking forward to more stories like this ! You can follow me back at @mrrobert96 if you want. I wish you a spectacular day as well !

Its a cool tragedy game, i love it, i have the old version tho

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