Dia Dhuit from Ireland

A big Dia Dhuit from rainly old Ireland. Dia Dhuit is how we say hello as gaeilge ( in irish) and literally translates as God be with you!

I am a mother to five free range wild children. My partner introduced me to the world of crypto a few years ago and I have found it to be a very positive solution with an fascinating community of people.

About three years ago we upped sticks and moved to the countryside. Our hope is to live as self sufficiently as possible as organically and as cheaply as we can.

We grow (most) of our own food, keep chickens and are newbie beekeepers.

I am trying really hard to make my own way as a stay at home mother and spend my free time gardening and crocheting! I a also a keen seamstress although I prefer crochet and I am endeavouring to set up a small business selling handmade items.

I am very interested in zero waste lifestyles, (which is alot harder than I thought) herbalism, co-operatives and any alternative solutions to our violent debt backed system which is probably why I am here!

I look forward to sharing our journey to self sufficiency.

My deeply personal passion is birthing rights. I have birthed five children in Ireland, two of these were unassisted. Ireland maternity system is archaic and not fit for purpose and has a terrible history of human rights abuses and control of women. I hope to share my story with you about my experiences in the Irish maternity system and why I chose to freebirth my children at home.

Thanks for reading and as we say in Ireland - Go n'eiri an bothar leat which means May you have a succesful journey!!! Charlie X


Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you so much, still finding my feet but I love it here :)

Welcome aboard @charlied97! I hope you really enjoy your Steemit journey. I am looking forward to seeing your crochet work! Every Monday a group of us posts our handy work, anything involving a needle. I personally enjoy crocheting but I am learning how to sew and knit. We post under the tag #NeedleworkMonday if you ever want to join in. We share patterns, tips, techniques and ideas with each other :)

I also am interested in hearing your stories about the maternity system and birthing rights. I am huge on Birthing rights and have written posts to encourage women to know their rights and Birthing options. Family in general is so important to me and I love how we can inform each other on this plattform. Looking forward to sharing with you :)

Hello @crosheille I have missed you so much here on steemit . You can’t imagine how I frequently check on your blog to see if you’ve been around. Glad to seeing this. 😊

Hey @kryptocoin! Thank you so much for that, that was really nice of you to say. It’s great to know that I am missed when I take a break, that really means a lot.

My husband was able to take some paid time off so I have been taking a break from posting to spend some much needed quality family time. Oh believe me I have missed keeping up with everyone and I am looking forward to sharing with you all again soon ;)

Wow, nice! That’s very important . Do Have a great time.

Thank you!! It’s been really nice! 😊

Welcome @charliesd97, you’ve come to the right place. With a goal of self sufficiency, All the best I wish you!

Welcome Charlie, it's really good to have you here on steemit. I'm from Ireland but currently living in Spain. I hear you with regards to the maternity system in Ireland, two of mine were birthed in Ireland, one in the hospital after an unsuccessful homebirth then the other at home. My third was unassisted here in Spain. My passion is birth rights too. I really look forward to hearing more about your births. For me it's all about empowering women, coming together and sharing our stories and wisdom. Solas agus Gra

AW go raibh mile maith agat!! I almost went to Spain to Orgiva to have my third baby in DA Luz with Vanessa :) Thank you for the comment!!!

Ah I know Vanessa, small world. look forward to connecting with you more on here x

Hello @charlied97, welcome here on Steemit! YAY!!! More Irish people! Well, I am Dutch, but also live in Ireland. I am in Mayo. My two youngest were born unassisted, one in Ireland (Roscommon of all places). There is an Irish channel on discord. Maybe nice to connect there as well, it's called Steem-Ireland. Do you also homeschool by any chance? Any way, it is nice to have you here, and I'm looking forward to read more.

Thank you so much, I will check it our for sure!!! Thanks for the lovely comment :)

Welcome to Steemit. I hope it is good for you. Invite some friends and build the community

Thanks!!! I will do!!

Great to meet you if I didn't meet you before. Vanessa one of my greatest friends and 2 kids birthed with her. Look forward to your tales.

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