Thoughts from a Night Club's queue | An all-Steem-Related Freewrite (Part 1?)

in #busy5 years ago

Oh yeah, the nipple pic is not on purpose, it just happens to be the only one I took while doing the queue for Playa del Carmen's best night club a little less than two weeks ago.


Speaking about nipples and overexposure on the blockchain, I wonder how many people really speak their mind and post whatever pics they want here on steem.

I mean, I wouldn't blame Steemians if they measure their words and control their impulses to post specific pictures, after all the blockchain stores them forever, and forever is a really long time, almost as long as being married for 30 years, or so I've been told.

On the other hand, if we are part of a decentralized, non-censoring, pro free speech and libertarian platform based on a Crypto Blockchain, we should be able - in fact we are supposed - to write and post whatever we feel like.

But that's not going to happen, at least not as long rewards and votes are on the top of mind of our top content creators.

I mean, it makes sense to some extent: we don't want to post edgy material or to offend someone because that means losing potential votes or lose part of our audience or, worst case scenario, antagonizing a community or even maybe making enemies with a whale that could potentially bury our account and demonetize our content.

But you see, that's the thing. During this early adoption stage, crypto rewards still play a big part on the Steem game - and I think they will for a long time. But once we realize as a whole that while post rewards are nice and encourage us to keep creating content, they are not the main - maybe not even top 5 - feature our Blockchain offers.

I'm not going to be a hypocrite, I also care about rewards, in fact I think I care more than I should. But hey, it's human nature, short term benefits blinds us from the real advantages and positive outcome we would obtain if only we thought long term.

Oh yeah, I'll say it again, I also care about rewards. As you, and your next door steemian, and that OG user who joined almost three years ago, and that newbie you met yesterday. Whoever says they don't care about the rewards and the crypto involved in the process of being a good steemian well, I say they are lying.

I'm about to go into the club and I highly doubt I get to write more about this topic but hey, I'd definitely love to go deeper into this so if you have any comments about it let me know, perhaps you inspire a part 2 of this post.

This post was written about two weeks ago. I forgot about it and found it half written (yeah, I had to change some phrases or organize my thoughts on one or two paragraphs) and once I read it, I knew I had to post it.


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