MonoChromTrashyMovie Time: remember...? „The Labyrinth“...(EN/DE)

in #blog6 years ago

the labyrinth with David Bowie


- M. C. Escher 1951, nach Bruno Ernst: Der Zauberspiegel des M. C. Escher. München 1985 (dtv 2879, zuerst 1978)

Source Image:

1986...die Reise ins labyrinth

Ein Film meiner Kindheit. Wer von euch kennt den?

A Movie from my childhood. Who else knows this es?

Action was gehts?!

Sarah, eine 15-jährige Jugendliche, fühlt sich von ihrem Vater und ihrer Stiefmutter ungerecht behandelt und flüchtet sich in eine Fantasiewelt. Eines Tages soll sie als Babysitterin für ihren kleinen Halbbruder Toby agieren. Da Toby quengelt und durch nichts zu beruhigen ist, ist Sarah sehr schnell mit der Situation überfordert, und sie wünscht sich impulsiv, dass Kobolde das Baby holen mögen – was dann prompt geschieht und sie kurz danach bereut. Das Baby Toby ist weg, dafür erscheint der Koboldkönig Jareth. Kein Bitten und Betteln kann helfen, ihn zu überreden, Toby zurückzugeben. Doch er lässt ihr 13 Stunden Zeit, um den Kleinen aus seinem von einem riesigen Labyrinth umgebenen Schloss zu befreien. Andernfalls wird Jareth Toby in einen Kobold verwandeln.

Der Weg zum Schloss „jenseits einer unbekannten Welt“ führt durch ein verzaubertes Labyrinth voller Gefahren, Wunder und seltsamer Wesen: lebende Felsen, wilde Monster, sprechende Hände, rätselhafte Türen, verspielte Feuerköpfe, hinterlistige Wurzelwichte und das „Moor des ewigen Gestanks“. Doch in diesem Labyrinth findet Sarah nicht nur Hindernisse, sondern auch neue Freunde, die ihr dabei helfen, die vielen Schwierigkeiten bei ihrer Rettungsaktion zu meistern.

source: Wikipedia


Fifteen-year-old Sarah Williams rehearses a play in the park with her dog Merlin but becomes distracted by a line she is unable to remember while being watched by a barn owl. Realizing she is late to babysit her baby brother Toby, she rushes home and is confronted by her stepmother Irene before she and her father Robert leave for dinner. Sarah has many toys that she has grown out of and realizes that Toby is in possession of her treasured teddy bear Lancelot. Frustrated by this and his constant crying, Sarah rashly wishes Toby be taken away by the Goblin King Jareth, a character in the play she is rehearsing. She is shocked when Toby disappears and the Goblin King confronts her and transports her to his kingdom. He refuses to return the baby but gives Sarah thirteen hours to solve his labyrinth and find him before Toby is turned into a goblin forever. Sarah meets a dwarfish man named Hoggle, who aids her in entering the Labyrinth. She has trouble finding turns and corners but then meets a talking worm who inadvertently sends her in the wrong direction.

Sarah ends up in an oubliette, where she reunites with Hoggle. After they confront Jareth and escape one of his traps, the two encounter a large beast named Ludo. Hoggle flees in a cowardly fashion while Sarah befriends Ludo. After another riddle, she loses him in a forest. Hoggle encounters Jareth, who gives him a drugged peach and instructs him to give it to Sarah, calling his loyalty into question, as he was supposed to lead her back to the beginning of the maze. Sarah is assaulted by a group of creatures called Fireys with detachable body parts who try to remove her head, but Hoggle comes to her aid. She kisses him, and Jareth magically sends them to the Bog of Eternal Stench as punishment, where they reunite with Ludo. Sarah, Hoggle, and Ludo meet a guard of the bridge out of the swamp named Sir Didymus, an anthropomorphic fox, and his Old English Sheepdog "steed" named Ambrosius. After Ludo howls and summons a trail of rocks to save Sarah from falling into the bog, Didymus joins the group (her three new friends are just like some of the toys in her room). After the group gets hungry, Hoggle gives Sarah the peach and runs away as she falls into a trance and begins to lose her memories. She has a dream where Jareth comes to her at a masquerade ball, proclaiming his love for her, but she begins to remember and escapes, falling into a junkyard. After an old Junk Lady fails to brainwash her and her memory is jogged, she is rescued by Ludo and Didymus, and they are right outside Goblin City near Jareth's castle. They are confronted by the gate guard, but Hoggle bravely comes to their rescue. Despite his feeling unworthy of forgiveness for his betrayal, Sarah and the others welcome him back, and they enter the city together.

Jareth is alerted to their presence and sends his goblin army to stop them, but Ludo howls and summons a mountain's worth of rocks to chase the guards away, and they enter the castle. Sarah insists she must face Jareth alone and promises to call the others if needed. In a room modeled after an Escher staircase drawing, she confronts Jareth while trying to retrieve Toby. She recites the lines from her play that mirror her adventure to that point, but she still cannot remember the last line. As Jareth begs her to fear him and obey him, promising he will love her, and give her anything she wants, she remembers the line, "You have no power over me!" Defeated at the last second, Jareth returns Sarah and Toby home safely and turns into a barn owl, flying away.

Realizing how important Toby is to her, Sarah gives him Lancelot and returns to her room. After she hears her father and stepmother come in, she sees her friends in the mirror and realizes even though she is growing up, she still needs them in her life every now and again. In an instant, a number of the major characters from the Labyrinth appear in her room for a raucous celebration, and she reunites with Hoggle, Ludo, Didymus, and Ambrosius. As they celebrate, Jareth, in his owl form, watches from outside and then flies away into the night.

source: Wikipedia


Trailer: Labyrinth (1986)

Source: YouTube

Labyrinth Movie Trailer

Source: YouTube


the Music of the movie ...

Labyrinth - Magic Dance

Source: YouTube

Labyrinth - Chilly Down

Source YouTube

David Bowie - Underground

Source: YouTube

Labyrinth - As The World Falls Down

Source: YouTube


wanna See The whole Film 🎥?

source: YouTube


RIP David Bowie

Britischer Musiker, Sänger, Produzent, Schauspieler und Maler





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Uiui ;-) bitte bitte.hugs

Absolutely great post! Love it

Thanks :) hugs

Hallo Akasha,
kurz bevor ich mich auf ins Dorf mache und mich erkundige, wer sich in diesem Jahr freiwillig an den Stamm für das Osterfeuer binden lässt (Nägel sind zu teuer), beamst du mich noch schnell in die Welt der Mythen, Kobolde und verbannst mich ganz nebenbei noch in das Reich des M.C. Escher. Also kein leichter Beginn für meine christliche Mission.

Hättest du vielleicht Lust auf Osterfeuer? Ich sehe das hier auf dem Land nicht so eng. Hauptsache es findet sich überhaupt jemand, der sich in 3 Meter Höhe festbinden lässt. Angst brauchst du nicht zu haben ...
Unter deinen Füßen wird ja Feuer gemacht ... :)
Bis nachher dann.
Gruß, Wolfram

Ach @w74 der Phoenix kennt es nur so.... ich als shiva fan Zündel gern ...;-) doch dieses Jahr starte ich eiskalt rein...;-)) da geht das Feuer aus. Brauchst wenn anders. Sorry, maybe next year grosser

Verdammter Mist! Dann muss ich wohl wieder mal selbst an den Mast?!

Wir wünschen dir wunderschöne, entspannte Feiertage und schenken dir eine volle Tankfüllung Energie, damit deine Kreativität auch zukünftig nicht zum Erliegen kommt.

Seka & Wolfram

Ach...nimm ne Puppe 🦄
Wie beim burning man....! Schön aus Stroh brennt juht...!
Drück euch
Viel Spaß

Nix da, ich opfere mich gerne!
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