Humanitarianism? Yeah right!

in #syria6 years ago

"Here are some Syrians who support US strikes on Assad."

Well. Ok. There were Iraqis who supported strikes on Saddam, there are Iranians who support strikes on the regime. A lot of people under a lot of authoritarian regimes want help.

But that's not an excuse for Trump or Obama or any of these people. It's not an excuse to violate the constitution, it's not an excuse for illegal, pointless military interventions, and it's pretty out of keeping with American and world history to assume that such interventions will turn out well for anyone.

The US government is not motivated by a sense of humanitarian responsibility. If it was, we'd have settled more than 11 Syrian refugees this year.

Humanitarianism is the sales pitch, it's never the goal. Not for this government it's not.

If you want to help the Syrian resistance then go help it. Putting Donald Trump in charge of it is not helping.


U.S protecting the Human rights. but what about syrian people? they have rights to live on the free world. but look at them now.?

Everybody has rights @mrblu. US Government claim to be doing a lot of things to improve human rights. They are just pushing their own greedy agenda. I make it a point to say US Government. I do not blame the the citizens of the US for the evil that runs their country.

Honestly I'm sick of reading the news these days! "Military troops here", "air strikes there", "we're doing this to help the innocent", "democracy and a peaceful environment are our interests"... all bulls*it! None has ever thought about someone else's life in first place.
Maybe one day people will understand... if it's not too late by then...

Bottom line, TRUMP is a lying sack of shit. Flash back to before the elections. We won't attack Syria. Syria are fighting ISIS and so are the Russians. Whenever the Syrian (Assad) Government get an edge, guess what? They shoot themselves in the foot with a Gas Attack, give me a break. It should be obvious to even your average Hill Billy that ISIS and Co. are orchestrating this shit.

Dear TRUMP, stop supporting terrorism and in so many cases causing terrorism. ISIS = Terrorism, Russia wants to stop Terrorism and you want a better performance in your upcoming mid-terms. Who is the bigger fucker, Assad, Putin or yourself? Don't answer, it's a rhetorical question.

Reality is, all you ever do is go back on your word. You are no better than Bush or Obama or Clinton.

My heart goes out to all those innocent people that have fallen victim to ISIS terrorism and US bullshit.

P.S. Theresa May, go fuck yourself. You are just as bad.

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