Synereo Crowdsale Starts In Less than Seven Hours

in #synereo8 years ago

Synereo Crowdsale

One of the hottest stories in last weeks is the upcoming crowd sale of Synereo shares and AMPs. This will start in exactly 6 hours and a half from the time of writing this.

The details, including the bonuses for first day buyers and volume buyers are explained here.

BnkToTheFuture Is The Place

The sale will be run on the BnkToTheFuture page.

Synereo Pitch Page
This screenshot show the investors' page at the BnkToTheFuture pitch with over a million already invested during the pre-sale

You can invest in shares of Synereo LTD with a minimum investment of $1000.

You can also buy AMPs with a minimum participation amount of 0.01 BTC.

It may be of interest that today a lot of existing AMPs were burned and the market responded with a spike in their value.

Fixed Price For AMPs

At the beginning of the sale, one AMP is worth 0.00033000 BTC. This price will gradually increase:

  1. Stage One (September 19 – October 2) - 33000 Satoshis per AMP
  2. Stage Two (October 3 – October 9) - 36500 Satoshis per AMP
  3. Stage Three (October 10 – October 18) - 40000 Satoshis per AMP

You can buy in fiat and in Bitcoins. There is a fee for fiat purchases, however.


Early Bird Bonus

From the pitch:

AMPs will be offered for 33000 Satoshis per AMP and include an extra bonus of 1 million AMPs through the first 24 hours of the sale, distributed among all AMP buyers in proportion to their purchase amount during that period.

For example: If Alice buys 10,000 AMPs, and the total number sold during the first day was 10,000,000 AMPs, Alice will receive an additional 10,000/10,000,000 * 1,000,000 = 1,000 AMPs.

Volume Bonus

Bonus % / Purchase Amount
3.33% / 2 BTC
6.00% / 10 BTC
9.00% / 20 BTC
11.00% / 50 BTC
13.00% / 100 BTC
15.00% / 200 BTC

Start Of The Sale

The crowd sale begins September 19th 8:00 PM PST (20:00). In various time zones that mean:

  • September 19th 8:00 PM PST (20:00)
  • September 19th 11:00 PM EST (23:00)
  • September 20th 11:00 AM China
  • September 20th 3:00 AM GMT
  • September 20th 5:00 AM CET - Europe

Why Should You Participate?

From my perspective the major benefits are:

  • Synereo with its Rchain technology and dApps has a great potential to be the revolution in the blockchain world,
  • it can be the first working REALLY decentralized platform facilitating every aspect of authoring and offering content,
  • with investing through crowd sale you directly help the project and the team behind it to deliver on their promisses,
  • it is expected that the value of the platform will grow with the adoption and application meaning the value of your AMPs will grow too.

Are You In?

It is your decision and your money, of course. I am not twisting your arm to do it :)

More Reading

Huffington Posts Highlights Synereo And Its Rchain Technology
Synereo Burns $146,221,787 USD in AMPs
A Brief History of Synereo

I am an interested party and observer of the events. My key value is transparency. I am not directly related to Synereo Ltd. But I like what I see so far about the community, the network, and the platform.


Thanks for posting this. Synereo is awesome, the people behind it have such good values, they really care about decentralisation, and flat power structures, inclusivity and freedom, to name just a few things. has a lot to learn from them.
Synereo will not be the death of Steemit however, they are different platforms, and will cater to different users with different needs.
Steemit will improve, I believe and hope, I have invested time and effort here, and leaving would throw that away. This platform still has great potential.
So I am staying on Steemit,while also joining Synereo, and I will buy some AMPs for sure.

Thanks for your thoughts. We are thinking and acting alike :)

Official fundraising has started. Looks like almost nobody here is interested.

Well, no surprise.

It will be interesting to look back in two years... At least I hope that there will be something to look at up back in two years time.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 63781.73
ETH 3407.93
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.47