Synchronicity again ... watch your thoughts

in #sychronicity6 years ago (edited)

The explanation for the baby sock is at the bottom of this post.

Hey, guys, there is something to this synchronicity effect.
If you are not aware of what I am talking about I did an earlier post on it here

Today’s happenings:

I saw a video of a woman’s dilemma after having acid thrown on her face. She was in a store and how she got help.

This is quite upsetting to me and since it happened in the UK I reached out to a friend there who verifies it. It has been tough to shake out of my mind. This is why I do not watch the news.

Anyway, I get reminders the universe is reflecting my worry back when I see someone arrive in the laundry; where I am right now. He has a huge Strawberry hemangioma on his face, a red birthmark.

I have now let it go; I got the message.

Every time I go to a laundry it does not matter which one I always see a baby sock left behind.

Only one, never a pair. So I told myself a while back this would not happen anymore. Usually, it is right away but not today.

Okay, I put my clothes in the dryer then start wondering if I will see a baby sock.

So what happens next? Someone drops one by me and left the laundry.

Here it is wet, left behind just picked it up out of the floor. This is the explanation for the photograph.

Wonder if I will be getting some money? Hey, what does it hurt to wonder? ☺

Thanks for reading my post.

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Universe 🌌 gives us many indications to work on it, in the way of Synchronicities.
Generally, people neglect it but it is the truth of our life to understand and work according to it.
There are infinite things happening at this time.

Nice content.
Very well articulated.


Thanks @rebeccabe for sharing this post.

Wonder what is the Universe trying to say.

Glad you asked that ... :) FTP036-Kirby-Surprise-Synchronicity-800x800.jpg
Then next thing that happened was I found this podcast by accident.. (podcast by Dr Surprise)

BTW: @roselifecoach I have his book and this is the same thing in it.

I believe in synchronicity. Let see what's the message behind it. Can't wait to know what your awareness pick up from this event :)

Hey @roselifecoach
Life reflects back to us our thoughts. And so the message has to be to not concentrate on what is going on in the UK via the violence.

As far as the baby socks, lol, I saw a use for them at one time. You can put crystals, rocks, sunglasses, etc. in them.

Nothing too deep; I am too old for pregnancy :)

That last statement cracks me up LOL. You are funny. I love the creativity that you have. Don't waste the sock. Furthermore, it is one cute sock :D

I can not watch the news, either. I know the horror that happens, but I do not need to invite it into my living room. Poor baby socks.👶

Oh my God! Acid throwing is to bad and i never want to watch this kind of videos as you should also forget the memories.

They never showed it happening..just afterward and my heart went out to her. You could not see her face. It was too much for me. My friend says it happens often. They are not wanting to kill only to make the person suffer; so horrible.

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