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RE: How Saudi Arabia wants to convert Sweden to Islam

in #sweden8 years ago

I am following the guidelines for flagging. This is hate speech. And misinformation.
I am not censoring,I am flagging. I only flag blatant plagiarism, racism,abusive speech and the like.
And I am not surprised that you are defending this racism, it fits your M.O


what you consider racism, abusive speech is subjective. so there for you are flagging him out of opinion.

I defend anyone that is getting censored.
I never once said I agree with his post.
What are you trying to claim my MO is?
I will not ask again the choice is yours to make, remove the flagging or I make a post about how you like to censor people out of opinion.
leave comments and call him raciest if that is what you feel but flagging has no other use besies trying to censor someone.

I would like you to provide proof of me supporting racisim or apologize for making false claims.

so have fun acting a fool running around calling everyone raciest for no reason and nothing to back it up with. the word will get around and you will get labled the guy that claims everyone is raciest and a flaggot out of opinion.

so yeah, remove the falgs and provide facts on how im racest or apologize.

Stop acting like a flaggot!

I did not say that you are a racist. But It did make me wonder, when you seemed to support this post.
I do know that you are a misogynist, you have shown that very clearly.
That is what I meant by your M.O
I will not apologize, I fully stand for my flagging.
I took time out to investigate the article,and I found it to be misinformation.
The link might have been posted in good faith, however, I think the flag is still justified. People need to verify their sources, in order to avoid spreading propaganda.

I do not support his post, I support free speech.

How do you know im Moisogynist? im agienst sexisim so I would love for you to provide facts again or apologize.
You obviously don't know my mo with the statements you are making.
kool I didn't ask you to apologize for it.
People can post misinformation all they want, you do not have a right to censor people because of it.
If that was the case people would be flagging ll the lies the feminists push. especially when they are presented with facts that prove them wrong only to be ignored because it doesn't fit their narrative.
Stand by your flagging, I hope that when someone starts flagging you out of opinion you don't look for help to stop it because you are part of the problem and deserve to be held to the same accord you are holding others to.
Thank you for giving me something to post about. I now have 2 posts I need to make.
Thanks again and I will provide links to the post I make about you so you can read the post and all the comments that people make about it.

your making false claims about me does that give people the right to censor you for pushing false propaganda?

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