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in #swc7 years ago

Oh my goodness. That would be a terrifying time and that is a tough diagnosis, though I have to admit as I was reading I was afraid you were going to say she had leukemia because of the symptoms coinciding with a cold.

I'm a little curious, though, if you don't mind sharing - is Alexa vaccinated? I've been hearing there may be a correlation between vaccines and some of these extreme health crises appearing in our little ones. It's not something the medical community seems too willing to discuss, but I'm shocked at the stories I'm hearing from friends about the diagnoses their little ones are getting. One friend has two of her three children exhibiting severe allergy symptoms to many foods and now seems to have celiac's disease herself. There are so many possible things that could be affecting us, but I am definitely curious about the vaccine connection.


She was vaccinated. But there were genetic markers involved that I feel led to it.

Oh, diabetes certainly. It's in my family as well. But I'm seeing some evidence that the stressing of the immune system might be playing into why these severe conditions are appearing in our babies. What's frustrating to me is that there is no further investigation being done into these correlations and I think babies who have genetic markers which should quickly preclude them from vaccinations are being vaccinated because we're being told those vaccines are good for all. So for example, suddenly there is a drastic spike in life-threatening allergies - the allergy tendencies were in the family already as seen by past generations, but the baby has a life-threatening condition. For instance, my uncle had issues all his life with pre-diabetes and allergies. His son has severe asthma and his daughter - after getting the MRI booster in high school - abruptly developed a severe blood clotting issue she'll be on medication for probably the rest of her life. So there was weakness and then immediately following vaccinations there was suddenly life-threatening conditions. What's causing this? Is it the stressing of the immune system? What? This is what is really concerning me for my kids because I have severe allergies and diabetes in my family already - my sister is wheat intolerant, my brother is dairy and peanut intolerant, and diabetes is everywhere. Genetically, my kids are at risk. But that isn't being considered by the pediatricians much.

Just an ongoing concern...and by the way, I had a conversation this summer that reminded me that it's human nature to look at a tragedy in another family and try to find a reason that since you don't have those exact conditions in YOUR family, your children could never suffer such a sudden unreasonable and terrible event. And the truth is, this kind of stuff happens no matter what safeguards you take or what you do.

I have never heard nor seen such a proactive response regarding these matters. Most people do not care, I am extremely appreciative that you take interest in these concerns. Unfortunately the medical field in general seems to have plateaued, when it comes to taking an initiate approach to many health issues. Some of the problems stem from all of us just doing as the doctor says, instead of reading into certain things for ourselves. The entire medical field seems to be more of a financial exploit, instead of a place for scientific solutions and explanations to these issues. (in my personal opinion of course). But to be honest I have never gave the vaccination possibility any attention, and now I will be doing some research of my own into this. On a positive note though our daughter will soon be getting what is called a artificial pancreas through medtronic's, so we are very interested to see if this may be a sign of progress regarding diabetes's. I am also curious if you would like to chat about these matters more via another form of chat. It would be nice to maybe even partake in a dual post for medical awareness. I am very interested in some more information about your Uncle's daughter and the blood clotting issues right after a booster.

I certainly care - the idea of one of my babies suddenly having to address even one of the two conditions you're dealing with is a nightmare.

The medical community in general does not seem to care about vaccine issues because I think they are carefully taught to overcome objections, not to make discriminations. Being a good doctor requires being a detective but too often our up and coming doctors are trained to dispense medicine rather than get to the root of an issue. I also think money is playing a large part in the failure to address this particular problem of vaccines not necessarily being a good fit for all children - money is a huge issue between lawsuits, insurance costs, paying off medical school loans and the profitability of being able to use a one-size-fits-all approach versus treating each patient individually. There is huge pressure on anyone in the medical establishment to work to accepted norms as well, which puts their license seriously on the line if they do not conform. All of this translates to doctoring being done out of fear and for profit before the good of the patient, even on the part of doctors who started out really wanting to do some good.

There are a lot of people especially on Steemit who are beginning to question some of these practices, such as blanket large-scale vaccination. I would be willing to participate in chat - if you are a member of the Steem Engine Discord group I can be found through there.

Before speaking more to my cousin's condition, I will have to verify exactly what I'm saying with my aunt, who did extensive research after my cousin fell ill. There is a name for the condition and it's known to be tied to the vaccine, though I can't remember the name off the top of my head. It's effects have definitely been profound, however, and the condition is what drove me to being researching whether or not it was a good idea to blanket-vaccinate (my own term meaning to give lots of vaccines with little or no regard for what they are for and what my children might be sensitive to).