We Are The Creators (Steemit Vision Quest 21: “Storytelling”)

in #svq6 years ago (edited)


We, are all on a journey. Where that journey takes you is up to you, you always have a choice. You can follow others and walk down a path that has already been taken, or you can carve your own way.

For some the easier route is the one that is known, where you gain comfort, knowing others have been this way and have lived a life where their day is already planned out for them. Where very little takes you by surprise, where you feel safe and secure, knowing there are others walking this path with you. That there have been others who walked it before you and you are, in a way filling their boots, taking over a role that is important in keeping the current system in place. Happily partaking in the society that has been created around you. You Listen, you obey and life is easy, it is safe.

But that is not my story, my story is not predictable or safe. There is not one path, but many, many that sometimes are swept away by the water. Swept away, so that I am carried, until all that has been churned and thrashed about within me is released and I am cleansed.

My story is full of happiness and pain, wonder and confusion. Where all, can happen side by side, a tsunami of emotions leaving me feeling overwhelmed and drained, but oh so alive. I feel as much alive within my pain as I do within my joy. These are the things that guide me, that motivate me, this to me is what life is all about. Allowing myself to feel, to scream and cry, to not hold back.


What story do I have that needs to be released, that needs to be told, to be shared. I have many and they change all the time, overtime my perception of them changes as well. So will I be able to tell the true events of times gone by. My mind shapes things to fit into my way of thinking, my version of a story will always be different to yours, because we are all so unique, so wonderfully different. What I see is what I need to see in that moment, because every moment is an opportunity to learn, to learn the art of simply living and being present. To be fully in the moment means you accept who you are and what you have done to get you here. Right now in this very moment, are you happy with who you are? with who you have become?

Would you rather I tell you my story?

Because I could,
I could tell you a story,
a story of a young girl,
who ran to the trees,
who found solace in the wilderness,
where finally she was set free.
I could tell you a story
of pain and sadness,
all wiped away
when I embraced my madness.
A story of a downward spiral
that swept me away
that filled me with darkness,
yet guided me always
back to the brightness of day.
A story where I surrender
and give into the need
to follow my instincts
so that I am always freed.
My story,
my tales,
define who I am,
I can share them with you,
I can share all my lessons learned,
but it is Your Story,
Your Story,
that creates your world.
Your thoughts
your actions
they shape and unfurl,
the path on which
you find yourself on.
You can listen to my words,
you can soak them all up,
but I am not here,
to draw your attention away,
I am here to help you
command your own day.
You hold the power
you hold the only key
I am just a nice distraction
while you shape and create your own story.


Stories are important to inspire and motivate, they allow us to share wisdom, to encourage one another to take the next step. Stories help us to visualize the changes we may need to make. But it is up to each one of us to take that next step. The strength, the desire, all those things that instigate change, they have to come from you. And make no mistake you have the strength, we all do. It is within us all. We all hold the wisdom, we all have our own inner knowing. We just need to remember.

I am the creator of my life, the creator of my story. What story do you wish to tell, whatever it is, it is within your power to make it so. Each day when you wake up, remember it is up to you to decide where your day will go. When you first open your eyes, what do you see, what do you feel. Give yourself time, time to feel and see, time to realize the potential you have. To realize the importance of storytelling, creating magic with our words, weaving spells of change? Words hold power, when you speak, your words, your story, your intentions, you put them out into the world. You speak them into existence. The greatest story you can tell, is the story of your life. We are all storytellers, we are all creators. Creating the person we are meant to be.

So Go Create! Within your creation, let all your potential, be set free!

All of the photos are mine, the first is a rock with the fire symbol painted on it, fire represents creativity, creativity for creating our stories and the spark needed to bring about change. The second photo is of another rock, which has the water symbol painted on it. Water represents our emotional side and encourages us to let our emotions flow. To let them flow and allow ourselves to be cleansed. The last picture is of a spiral, representing spirit, spirit is all about wholeness and truth, it is ever present and empowering. We have all the elements inside of us, all of them surround us and we can draw on them to help us create, to help us become who we are meant to be.

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp



I first searched for the words to describe what I experienced while reading this post. You took us all on a life journey that went in so many different directions which is good because so many can find a part that they can identify with. As I read I continued to say this is the part that stands out and strikes me the most. Everything you said needed to be said to those that are willing to hear including myself who is ever busy especially on this Saturday I am in the thick of work yet when I locked in on the content of this post all cares subsided. And I found this post to be a balm, a medicine of sorts that helped me to call in my scattered energies and to find the ground beneath me. The post is epic I hope many eyes read it and be blessed. I feel like this post should be dissected and continued in an interview where you can discuss different parts of what you wrote in more detail and we can also touch on the initiative you spoke about launching with women in an earlier post you did. Also an update on whether or not you have given more thought to connecting it to Patreon to receive more support. I would love to interview you @trucklife-family and we have an in-depth conversation on Storytelling and your journey. Please let me know if you are interested.

wow thank you so much @rensoul17, your words do me great honour and I would love to do an interview with you, just let me know how it can happen and what time etc. Thank you y lovely friend xxx

Thank you for accepting I will post the details to you in the tribe on discord. within 24 hours. I am looking forward to this.

Reading stuff like this always brings me so much joy. There is nothing better to read than statements like

I am the creator of my life, the creator of my story.


I feel as much alive within my pain as I do within my joy.

I hope people will get how much wisdom is not only in these but in the entire text. Much love honey, this was beautiful 💚

thank you so much @zen-art for your support and encouragement xxx

This is such a motivational and uplifting piece, I felt my heart racing as I read it. So much truth and wisdom here. Thank you so much. xx

thank you lovely, I am so happy to hear you enjoyed it xxx

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