Steemit Vision Quest -Week #8: {unofficial entry} - Life After Life -

in #svq6 years ago (edited)

Life after life I’ve roamed this earth
Living and expressing my purpose
Is the masterplan.

Each time I come I give a piece of me
Showing up with just a glimpse of my soul,
For all the world to see.

My physical body is merely a vehicle
To accomplish what I came here to do.
I have lived, loved, laughed and celebrated with many
I have received and given,
I have hurt and been hurt in return

Above all, through trial and error, through mis-takes, wrong choices and errors, I have learned
Because mine eyes have seen a multitude of life’s living
My heart has fallen in love hundreds of times.

My mind has grown and expanded from the dinosaur days
On through wars and revolutions and the industrial age.

Coming back again to my surprise
To live in an era overlayed with worldwide communication and technology

Marveling at SyFy as I engage in programming that pulls me in.
And too enjoying the experience and convenience of Wifi

So much of what I see now was unheard of as I began this life cycle
Yet the rapid onset of technological advances now just fits right in,

Into a world that is moving faster and faster
Less time to sleep, more and more time given to live outside of us.

As we emerge ourselves into a world that is forever demanding us to give more.
Slowly we lose sight of who we are, we fear, we lack trust, and way too often
We lack clear communication, leading to severe misunderstandings and separations.

And as I in this life approach the elder stage
There is upon us a currency change known as cryptocurrency

And as I try and fathom so many things that I don’t fully understand
Such as 3D printing and the rapid evolution of A.I.

I exhale and utter a sigh

Yet what I see that is a common thread in every lifetime
Is the beauty and love of those rare ones, with whom I have made divine connections
The ones that have been my guides for lifetimes without end
Because they left me with a gift that will be with me for an eternity
And that is they showed me how to love people, nature, how to give and keep on giving
How to care for Mother Earth and learn of her ways.

These divine and beautiful souls
Taught me to care and show kindness unconditionally
And they return in spirit to me again and again during seasons when I am too weak to make it any further
They help me to stand, to heal and move on.

They have imparted to me the strength, endurance, and the audacity to know I can do anything.
These divine connections show me the possibilities, the magic, and the miracles
They made what seemed like it would never be, visible
When the masses told me repeatedly it could not be done
I will remember these beautiful souls, my loved ones, my family
Who in different lifetimes I have walked the earth with
And although they are centuries removed, it seems like only yesterday they were here.

This common thread of a kindred love so dear,
That is woven throughout my spirit and soul
Life after life more precious than gold
Has beckoned me to remember all that is true
To Remember what is constant and to attach my anchor, my heart to those things
And those beings with whom I will be connected to, and be intertwined with forever.

And we will never be truly separated, death is only a temporary parting
Because somewhere once again we will be recreated together reborn
Again and again, because we are made of the stuff that lasts forever.

We are the constant that will show up life after life on Earth
And simultaneously in the Heavens…

All images are by

{I have to add that if you switch to toggle night mode and then read it. you will get the fullness of what this literary piece was meant to convey.}



Masterful writing, and reciting, and reminding. I admire so much of this, and especially your note about the part that remains constant between lifetimes: the love. I believe love must be the very origin of all existence, including each individual's life. Returning to the love is your invitation here, I feel. Dwelling in that love is your invitation, I feel. Feeling the lightness in that love is your invitation, I feel.

To Remember what is constant and to attach my anchor, my heart to those things
And those beings with whom I will be connected to, and be intertwined with forever.

We celebrate your Creative Spirit, and we appreciate your entry in Steemit Vision Quest.

May you receive all you seek.

pretty cool although for some beings and times of there existence they find it challenging 2 be positive or loving to others because they hold grudges and wish they could just go 2 some other realm. although 2 go 2 most of the higher one's i keep hearing i need 2 be more positive and loving and learn my life lessons here first fucking shit i wanna cheat least for 54 minutes or something fuck this shit u know!

You have described life's journey beautifully. We are all on a journey to awareness of who we are and knowing that those who are in our life are here for us as a mirror to what we have inside of us. Blessed be.

Thank you so much for reading my poem and reaching out to me in this way. It means a lot. @sunscape

I can't think of a better way to start my day....wonderful words, absolutely wonderful :')

You made me cry ...Beautiful peace ...nuff said <3

This is a beautiful vision @rensoul17 :) I was glad to find you in the #svq. Your courage and spirit are kind, generous and strong. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story.

Beautiful piece, masterful, as @cabelindsay said. Lovely beyond words.

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